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= Overview =
= Overview =
= Setup integrationtest =
=== Step 1; Create object in bucket ===
# Create your folder in bucket '''integrationtest-config-us-east-2/test_config/{<u>your folder name</u>}''' in S3 bucket
#* '''{<u>your folder name</u>}''' maybe is your nickname eg. jamesDev, nicoleDev
#* Can create a subfolder in your folder for each test case or service that you want to test
#:: eg. - integrationtest-config-us-east-2/test_config/jamesDev/SellOfferManager
#::: - integrationtest-config-us-east-2/test_config/jamesDev/ProcessLogical
#::: - integrationtest-config-us-east-2/test_config/jamesDev/SellOfferManager/ProcessLogical
# Create a file in a folder that is used for testing
#* ''resources.json / events.json / tests.json''
#* '''resources.json''' and '''events.json''' is json object
#* '''tests.json''' is json array of objects
#* Can create these files in a SharedResource folder and share it with another test for collaborative usage
#:: eg. integrationtest-config-us-east-2/test_config/jamesDev/SellOfferManager/SharedResource/resources.json
#* In the main prefix for testing, you don’t need to upload every file. If you have a file in SharedResource, you can skip uploading it 
## '''resources.json'''
##* Have 2 main object keys is ''Lambda'' and ''Dynamodb''
##:<syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript">
"functionName":"FunctionNameHdrSqs" // FunctionName is full name of function after deploy
"Dynamodb": {
## '''events.json'''
##* Multiple eventTags can be added to a single file
##* Have 6 types of events; Dynamodb, Sns/Sqs, Dsq, Invoke, API and NoRetryError
##:<syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript">
// Layout of file events.json
// An example of naming an eventTag for each event
"Complexfilter_ProcessComplexfilter_logical_basic": {},           // for input
"Output_Complexfilter_ProcessComplexfilter_logical_basic": {},       // for output
"Complexfilter_ProcessComplexfilter_logical_basic__dynamodb_update_FilterMain": {}  // for dynamodb
##* "Complexfilter_ProcessComplexfilter_logical_basic" is called '''{inputEventTag}'''
##* for {outputEventTag} is '''Output_{inputEvenTag}'''
##:: eg. "Output_Complexfilter_ProcessComplexfilter_logical_basic"
##* for dynamodb is '''{inputEventTag}__dynamodb_{action}_{tablename}'''
##:: eg. "Complexfilter_ProcessComplexfilter_logical_basic__dynamodb_update_FilterMain"
##: <u>'''{action}''' is only ''put'' or ''update'', and in case of ''update'', must only test the last step of update </u>
##:<syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript">
// An example input and output event of Sns/Sqs, Dsq and Invoke
"Complexfilter_ProcessComplexfilter_logical_basic": {
"forStageMatching": true,       
"properties": {
"propertyA": {
"forStageMatching": true, 
"value": "valueProperty1",
"propertyB": {
"testValueMatches": false,  // no child properties will be tested
"properties": {
"propertyB1": {
"value": "valuePropertyB1",
"propertyC": {
"eventValue": [
// settings for Sns/Sqs
"snsSqsTrigger": true,        // set when event is initial stage of Sns
"messageAttributes": {        // optional
"forStageMatching": true,
"properties": {
"msgTag": {       // require
"value": "msgTag"
"propertyD": {
"forStageMatching": true,    // default: false, whether this property is used to match stage config during integration tests
"testValueMatches": false,    // default: true, whether value of this property is checked when performing test
"value": "valuePropertyD"
// settings for Dsq
// DirectSqs set in HdrDsq if have messageAttributeValidatorSchema and required property in messageAttributes eg: messageTag
"DirectSqs": true, // set when event is initial stage of Dsq
"messageAttributes": {     // optional 
"messageTag": {
"DataType": "String",
"StringValue": "messageAttributes_is"
"Output_Complexfilter_ProcessComplexfilter_logical_basic": {
"forStageMatching": true,       
"properties": {
"propertyA": {
"forStageMatching": true, 
"value": "valueProperty1",
##* <code>forStageMatching</code> default: false, whether this property is used to match stage config during integration tests. <u> Use in test importent parameter </u>
##* <code>testValueMatches</code>  default: true, whether value of this property is checked when performing test. <u>For random eg. timeStamp or uuid </u>
##* If value in array or number or string is <u>random</u>. '''Use testValueMatches: true not set forStageMatching: true''' 
##:<syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript">
// An example input and output event of API
"LambdaFunctionHdrApi_input__pass_notTestAuthorizer": {
"forstageMatvhing": true,
"properties": {
"body": {
"properties": {
"propertyA": {
"testValueMatches": false,
"value": "valueProperty1",
"propertyB": {
"properties": {
"propertyB1": {
"value": "valuePropertyB1",
"propertyC": {
"eventValue": [
"Output_LambdaFunctionHdrApi_input__pass_notTestAuthorizer": {
"properties": {
"body": {
"properties": {
"propertyA": {
"testValueMatches": false,
"value": "valueProperty1"
##:<syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript">
// An example event of Dynamodb
{inputEventTag}__dynamodb_{action}_{tablename}: { // eg. "Complexfilter_ProcessComplexfilter_logical_basic__dynamodb_update_FilterMain"
"forStageMatching": true,
"properties": {
(property is update)...
"keyValues": {
{partitionKey}: "4865d2451a621cb7f71225cfabf2df4f98e20801 ",
{sortKey}: "cdb170690571df7522b3850920fce02507c077ee"
##:<syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript">
// An example event of NoRetryError output
Output_{inputEvenTag}: { // eg. "Output_Complexfilter_ProcessComplexfilter_logical_basic"
"forStageMatching": true,
"properties": {
"errorMessage": {
"value": "Not found schema of {serviceTag:TestGraphHandler, objectType:notFoundObjType}"
## '''tests.json'''
##:<syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript">
// An example test
"integrationTestTag": "test_S3_ByDev",
"productionSafe": false,
"errorIfStageUnderfined": false,
"errorIfInvokeUnderfined": false,
"stages": [
"initialStage": true,
"inputEventTag": "Complexfiter_ProcessComplexfiter_logical_basic",
"serviceName": "ComplexFilter",
"resourceType": "Lambda",
"resourceName": "ProcessComplexFilterHdrSqs",
"snsServiceName": "ComplexFilter",    // if snsSqsTrigger = true but not set snsServiceName or snsTopic --> will direct invoke
"snsTopic": "InProcessComplexFilter",  // if snsSqsTrigger = true but not set snsServiceName or snsTopic --> will direct invoke
"outputEventTag": "Output_Complexfiter_ProcessComplexfiter_logical_basic",
// Settings if have test dynamodb
"dynamodbOutputEventIdentifiers": [
"serviceName": "ComplexFilter",
"resourceName": "FilterMain",
"eventTag": "Complexfiter_ProcessComplexfiter_logical_basic_dynamodb_update_FilterMain"
// Settings multiple stage for invoke
"invokes": [
"eventStageTag": "GraphHandler_GetNodeV2_NomalCase"
"eventStageTag": "GraphHandler_GetNodeV2_NomalCase" // require "eventStageTag" if have settings multiple stage for invoke
"inputEventTag": "SellOfferMgr_ProcessLogical_logical_integrationTesting_returnObject",
"serviceName": "SellOfferMgr",
"resourceType": "Lambda",
"resourceName": "ProcessLogicalHdrSqs",
"outputEventTag": "output_intTesting_ProcessLogical_logical_integrationTesting_returnObject",

Revision as of 08:39, 18 February 2025


Setup integrationtest

Step 1; Create object in bucket

  1. Create your folder in bucket integrationtest-config-us-east-2/test_config/{your folder name} in S3 bucket
    • {your folder name} maybe is your nickname eg. jamesDev, nicoleDev
    • Can create a subfolder in your folder for each test case or service that you want to test
    eg. - integrationtest-config-us-east-2/test_config/jamesDev/SellOfferManager
    - integrationtest-config-us-east-2/test_config/jamesDev/ProcessLogical
    - integrationtest-config-us-east-2/test_config/jamesDev/SellOfferManager/ProcessLogical
  2. Create a file in a folder that is used for testing
    • resources.json / events.json / tests.json
    • resources.json and events.json is json object
    • tests.json is json array of objects
    • Can create these files in a SharedResource folder and share it with another test for collaborative usage
    eg. integrationtest-config-us-east-2/test_config/jamesDev/SellOfferManager/SharedResource/resources.json
    • In the main prefix for testing, you don’t need to upload every file. If you have a file in SharedResource, you can skip uploading it 
    1. resources.json
      • Have 2 main object keys is Lambda and Dynamodb
      		"functionName":"FunctionNameHdrSqs"	// FunctionName is full name of function after deploy
      	"Dynamodb": {
    2. events.json
      • Multiple eventTags can be added to a single file
      • Have 6 types of events; Dynamodb, Sns/Sqs, Dsq, Invoke, API and NoRetryError
      // Layout of file events.json 
      // An example of naming an eventTag for each event
      	"Complexfilter_ProcessComplexfilter_logical_basic": {},					          // for input 
      	"Output_Complexfilter_ProcessComplexfilter_logical_basic": {},				      // for output
      	"Complexfilter_ProcessComplexfilter_logical_basic__dynamodb_update_FilterMain": {}  // for dynamodb
      • "Complexfilter_ProcessComplexfilter_logical_basic" is called {inputEventTag}
      • for {outputEventTag} is Output_{inputEvenTag}
      eg. "Output_Complexfilter_ProcessComplexfilter_logical_basic"
      • for dynamodb is {inputEventTag}__dynamodb_{action}_{tablename}
      eg. "Complexfilter_ProcessComplexfilter_logical_basic__dynamodb_update_FilterMain"
      {action} is only put or update, and in case of update, must only test the last step of update
      // An example input and output event of Sns/Sqs, Dsq and Invoke
      	"Complexfilter_ProcessComplexfilter_logical_basic": { 
      		"forStageMatching": true,        
      		"properties": { 
      			"propertyA": { 
      				"forStageMatching": true,  
      				"value": "valueProperty1", 
      			"propertyB": { 
      				"testValueMatches": false,  // no child properties will be tested 
      				"properties": { 
      					"propertyB1": { 
      						"value": "valuePropertyB1", 
      			"propertyC": { 
      				"eventValue": [ 
      		// settings for Sns/Sqs
      		"snsSqsTrigger": true,        // set when event is initial stage of Sns
      		"messageAttributes": {        // optional 
      			"forStageMatching": true, 
      			"properties": { 
      				"msgTag": { 	      // require 
      					"value": "msgTag" 
      				"propertyD": { 
      					"forStageMatching": true,     // default: false, whether this property is used to match stage config during integration tests
      					"testValueMatches": false,    // default: true, whether value of this property is checked when performing test
      					"value": "valuePropertyD" 
      		// settings for Dsq
      		// DirectSqs set in HdrDsq if have messageAttributeValidatorSchema and required property in messageAttributes eg: messageTag 
      		"DirectSqs": true, 			// set when event is initial stage of Dsq
      		"messageAttributes": { 	    // optional  
      			"messageTag": { 
      				"DataType": "String", 
      				"StringValue": "messageAttributes_is" 
      	"Output_Complexfilter_ProcessComplexfilter_logical_basic": { 
      		"forStageMatching": true,        
      		"properties": { 
      			"propertyA": { 
      				"forStageMatching": true,  
      				"value": "valueProperty1", 
      • forStageMatching default: false, whether this property is used to match stage config during integration tests. Use in test importent parameter
      • testValueMatches default: true, whether value of this property is checked when performing test. For random eg. timeStamp or uuid
      • If value in array or number or string is random. Use testValueMatches: true not set forStageMatching: true
      // An example input and output event of API
      	"LambdaFunctionHdrApi_input__pass_notTestAuthorizer": { 
      		"forstageMatvhing": true, 
      		"properties": { 
      			"body": { 
      				"properties": { 
      					"propertyA": { 
      						"testValueMatches": false, 
      						"value": "valueProperty1", 
      					"propertyB": { 
      						"properties": { 
      							"propertyB1": { 
      								"value": "valuePropertyB1", 
      					"propertyC": { 
      						"eventValue": [ 
      	"Output_LambdaFunctionHdrApi_input__pass_notTestAuthorizer": { 
      		"properties": { 
      			"body": { 
      				"properties": { 
      					"propertyA": { 
      						"testValueMatches": false, 
      						"value": "valueProperty1"
      // An example event of Dynamodb 
      	{inputEventTag}__dynamodb_{action}_{tablename}: { // eg. "Complexfilter_ProcessComplexfilter_logical_basic__dynamodb_update_FilterMain"
      		"forStageMatching": true, 
      		"properties": { 
      			(property is update)... 
      		"keyValues": { 
      			{partitionKey}: "4865d2451a621cb7f71225cfabf2df4f98e20801 ", 
      			{sortKey}: "cdb170690571df7522b3850920fce02507c077ee" 
      // An example event of NoRetryError output 
      	Output_{inputEvenTag}: { // eg. "Output_Complexfilter_ProcessComplexfilter_logical_basic"
      		"forStageMatching": true, 
      		"properties": { 
      			"errorMessage": { 
      				"value": "Not found schema of {serviceTag:TestGraphHandler, objectType:notFoundObjType}" 
    3. tests.json
      // An example test 
      		"integrationTestTag": "test_S3_ByDev", 
      		"productionSafe": false, 
      		"errorIfStageUnderfined": false, 
      		"errorIfInvokeUnderfined": false, 
      		"stages": [
      				"initialStage": true, 
      				"inputEventTag": "Complexfiter_ProcessComplexfiter_logical_basic", 
      				"serviceName": "ComplexFilter", 
      				"resourceType": "Lambda", 
      				"resourceName": "ProcessComplexFilterHdrSqs", 
      				"snsServiceName": "ComplexFilter",     // if snsSqsTrigger = true but not set snsServiceName or snsTopic --> will direct invoke 
      				"snsTopic": "InProcessComplexFilter",  // if snsSqsTrigger = true but not set snsServiceName or snsTopic --> will direct invoke
      				"outputEventTag": "Output_Complexfiter_ProcessComplexfiter_logical_basic", 
      				// Settings if have test dynamodb
      				"dynamodbOutputEventIdentifiers": [ 
      						"serviceName": "ComplexFilter", 
      						"resourceName": "FilterMain", 
      						"eventTag": "Complexfiter_ProcessComplexfiter_logical_basic_dynamodb_update_FilterMain"
      				// Settings multiple stage for invoke
      				"invokes": [ 
      						"eventStageTag": "GraphHandler_GetNodeV2_NomalCase" 
      				"eventStageTag": "GraphHandler_GetNodeV2_NomalCase" // require "eventStageTag" if have settings multiple stage for invoke
      				"inputEventTag": "SellOfferMgr_ProcessLogical_logical_integrationTesting_returnObject",
      				"serviceName": "SellOfferMgr", 
      				"resourceType": "Lambda", 
      				"resourceName": "ProcessLogicalHdrSqs", 
      				"outputEventTag": "output_intTesting_ProcessLogical_logical_integrationTesting_returnObject", 