Service - Media Link: Difference between revisions

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Line 13: Line 13:
=== Configuration tags ===
=== Configuration tags ===

<syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript">
configKey: "MediaGraphServiceName"
configTag: "MediaGraphServiceName"
configValue: xxx // eg: "MediaGraph"
<syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript">
configKey: "TranslationGraphServiceName"
configTag: "TranslationGraphServiceName"
configValue: xxx // eg: "TranslationGraph"

== LogicalResults ==
== LogicalResults ==
Line 37: Line 51:
<syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript">
<syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript">
nodeLabel: "mediaLink",
nodeLabel: "{MediaSharedLib.MEDIALINK_GRAPH_NODE_LABEL}",
schema: {
schema: {
identifier: true,
identifier: true,
Line 44: Line 58:
properties: {
properties: {
mediaLinkId: {
mediaLinkId: {
identifier: true, //(random uuid)
identifier: true, // create unique id from request details
mediaId: {
mediaId: {
immutable: true,
immutable: true,
linkFromId: {
immutable: true, //eg: productId
linkFromType: {
immutable: true, //eg: product, should match nodeLabel of linking node
mediaHandlerServiceNameTag: {
mediaHandlerServiceNameTag: {
Line 65: Line 73:
<syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript">
<syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript">
nodeLabel: "mediaLinkPropertyLabel",
nodeLabel: "{MediaSharedLib.MEDIALINK_GRAPH_NODE_LABEL}PropertyLabel",
nodeLabel: "mediaLinkProperty",
nodeLabel: "{MediaSharedLib.MEDIALINK_GRAPH_NODE_LABEL}Property",
Line 77: Line 85:
<syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript">
<syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript">
relationshipType: "hasMediaLinkProperty",
relationshipType: "has_{MediaSharedLib.MEDIALINK_GRAPH_NODE_LABEL}Property",
relationshipType: "disabled_{MediaSharedLib.MEDIALINK_GRAPH_NODE_LABEL}Property",
relationshipType: "is_{MediaSharedLib.MEDIALINK_GRAPH_NODE_LABEL}PropertyLabel",
relationshipType: "disabledMediaLinkProperty",
relationshipType: "{MediaSharedLib.IS_MEDIA_GRAPH_REL_TYPE}",
relationshipType: "isMediaLinkPropertyLabel",
relationshipType: "{MediaSharedLib.HAS_MEDIALINK_GRAPH_REL_TYPE}",
Line 92: Line 106:
Schema comes from [[NPM module - Izara Core - Property Node|BasicNodeSchemaLib]]
Schema comes from [[NPM module - Izara Core - Property Node|BasicNodeSchemaLib]]

# mediaLinkPropertyLabel (build schema from [[NPM module - Izara Core - Property Node|DataSchemaLib]] function)
# mediaLinkPropertyLabel
#* [[Service - Translations Graph]]
#* [[Service - Translations Graph]]
# mediaLinkProperty (build schema from [[NPM module - Izara Core - Property Node|DataSchemaLib]] function)
# mediaLinkProperty
#* [[Service - Translations Graph]]
#* [[Service - Translations Graph]]
= Complex Filter requests =
<syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript">
filterType: "mediaLink"
type: "group",
type: "complexFilter",
complexFilter: {
filterType: "mediaLinkProperty",
type: "group",
type: "logical",
logicalTag: "propertyLabelId",
comparison: "equals",
value: "lksdflkfldfgldfkgjldfg"
- filterType: "mediaLinkProperty" sends to MediaLink service and returns resultType = "mediaLinkProperty"
- by splitting into a lower level filter_type we can cache results at that level then use translateIds system to change to mediaLinkIds, this could be useful in the future when we want propertyIds to translate to other filterTypes
<syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript">
filterType: "mediaLink"
type: "group",
type: "complexFilter",
complexFilter: {
filterType: "mediaLinkPropertyTranslation"
type: "group",
type: "logical",
logicalTag: "textTag_languageId_text",
resultType: "mediaLinkProperty",
textTag: "mediaLinkPropertyValue",
languageId: "en",
text: "Blue",
subjectIdentifierPropertyName: "propertyId",
caseSensitive: true
- mediaLinkPropertyTranslation filterType sends logical element directly to Translation service, which recognises logicalTag: "textTag_languageId_text" and caches the subjectIdentifierPropertyName value in its LogicalResults table

= Working documents =
= Working documents =

Latest revision as of 09:05, 15 November 2021


Manages Media Links, links might attach to many subject node types, eg Product, Sell Offer, Product Attribute, Sell Offer Term,..


DynamoDB tables

Standard Config Table Per Service

Configuration tags

	configKey: "MediaGraphServiceName"
	configTag: "MediaGraphServiceName"
	configValue: xxx // eg: "MediaGraph"
	configKey: "TranslationGraphServiceName"
	configTag: "TranslationGraphServiceName"
	configValue: xxx // eg: "TranslationGraph"


Stores results for any requests to perform logical searches on media links

	resultId: xxx // eg: filterMainId for a single logical element
	dataId: xxx // one mediaLinkId
  • partition key: resultId
  • sort key: dataId

Graph database

Service - Media Graph


	nodeLabel: "{MediaSharedLib.MEDIALINK_GRAPH_NODE_LABEL}",
	schema: {
		identifier: true,
		restrictProperties: true,
		restrictRelationships: true,
		properties: {
			mediaLinkId: {
				identifier: true, // create unique id from request details
			mediaId: {
				immutable: true,
			mediaHandlerServiceNameTag: {
				immutable: true,
	nodeLabel: "{MediaSharedLib.MEDIALINK_GRAPH_NODE_LABEL}PropertyLabel",
	nodeLabel: "{MediaSharedLib.MEDIALINK_GRAPH_NODE_LABEL}Property",


	relationshipType: "has_{MediaSharedLib.MEDIALINK_GRAPH_NODE_LABEL}Property",
	relationshipType: "disabled_{MediaSharedLib.MEDIALINK_GRAPH_NODE_LABEL}Property",
	relationshipType: "is_{MediaSharedLib.MEDIALINK_GRAPH_NODE_LABEL}PropertyLabel",
	relationshipType: "{MediaSharedLib.IS_MEDIA_GRAPH_REL_TYPE}",
	relationshipType: "{MediaSharedLib.HAS_MEDIALINK_GRAPH_REL_TYPE}",

Basic node schemas

Schema comes from BasicNodeSchemaLib

  1. mediaLinkPropertyLabel
  2. mediaLinkProperty

Complex Filter requests

	filterType: "mediaLink"
	type: "group",
			type: "complexFilter",
			complexFilter: {
				filterType: "mediaLinkProperty",
				type: "group",
						type: "logical",
						logicalTag: "propertyLabelId",
						comparison: "equals",
						value: "lksdflkfldfgldfkgjldfg"

- filterType: "mediaLinkProperty" sends to MediaLink service and returns resultType = "mediaLinkProperty" - by splitting into a lower level filter_type we can cache results at that level then use translateIds system to change to mediaLinkIds, this could be useful in the future when we want propertyIds to translate to other filterTypes

	filterType: "mediaLink"
	type: "group",
			type: "complexFilter",
			complexFilter: {
				filterType: "mediaLinkPropertyTranslation"
				type: "group",
						type: "logical",
						logicalTag: "textTag_languageId_text",
						resultType: "mediaLinkProperty",
						textTag: "mediaLinkPropertyValue",
						languageId: "en",
						text: "Blue",
						subjectIdentifierPropertyName: "propertyId",
						caseSensitive: true

- mediaLinkPropertyTranslation filterType sends logical element directly to Translation service, which recognises logicalTag: "textTag_languageId_text" and caches the subjectIdentifierPropertyName value in its LogicalResults table

Working documents

Media Link