Standard LogicalResults Per Service: Difference between revisions

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* partition key: resultId
* partition key: logicalResultId
* sort key: dataId
* sort key: dataId

== LogicalAwaitingStep ==
== LogicalAwaitingStep ==

Temporary link/flow table for ProcessLogical requests that are waiting another step to finish, can save any type of awaiting id here
[[NPM module - izara-shared|AwaitingStep]]
<syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript">
awaitingStepId: "xx",
pendingStepId: "xx",
timestamp: "xx", //when record created
uniqueRequestId: "xx", optional, used for idempotence when first process request called in a Lambda wants only one request to process, in case first invocation fails and restarts
* partition key: awaitingStepId
* sort key: pendingStepId
* if different parts of a flow use the same awaitingId we could perhaps prefix it

== LogicalSortedRequest ==
== LogicalSortedRequest ==

Latest revision as of 14:47, 26 December 2021


Standards for services that handle LogicalResults

DynamoDB structure


A cached result set for logicals

	logicalResultId: "xxx", // hash of logical element
	logicalElement: {}, // full element being processed
	logicalType: "xx", // same filterType
	status: "xxx", // "processing"|"complete",
	expiryTime: "xx",
	uniqueRequestId: "xx", used for idempotence when first process request called, in case that invocation fails and restarts, can be removed when set to complete
  • partition key: logicalResultId
  • sort key: (none)


Caches found results for logical elements

	logicalResultId: xxx,
	dataId: xxx // eg: one sellofferId
  • partition key: logicalResultId
  • sort key: dataId




Temporary link/flow table for ProcessLogical requests that get passed to a sorted searchResult process, optionally some filtering applied.

	searchTypeSortResultId: "xx",
	logicalResultId: "xx",
	comparison: "xx", // equals/greaterThan/lessThan/greaterThanEquals/lessThanEquals, optional, will filter the sortResult data before saving into LogicalResultsData
	comparisonValue: "xx", //used if comparison set (could dig LogicalResultsMain but putting it here might allow for more complex handling)
	excludeEmpty: true,
	timestamp: "xx", //when record created
	copyDataUniqueRequestId: "xx", used for idempotence and to mark this record is in process of being copied
  • partition key: searchTypeSortResultId
  • sort key: logicalResultId
  • searchTypeSortResultId: {searchType}_{sortResultId}
  • is temporary, after sortResult/copying is complete send OutProcessLogical message and delete LogicalSortedRequests record
  • will copy the identifier id as the logicalResult dataId
  • comparison is optional, but should always have otherwise could use searchResult instead of sortResult (need to create another flow/table for that)
  • flow starts searchResult with sortField, once complete triggers CompleteLogicalSortedRequest that copies data to LogicalResultsData table


  • not yet applied

Temporary link/flow records for ProcessLogical requests that get passed to all Sell Offer Handler services as a new handler level complexFilter.

	logicalResultId: "xx",
	logicalElement: {}, // needed for logicalTag (? maybe not, just query LogicalResultMain?)
	waitingHandlers: [] // string set, remove each handler from this after copying it's results to SellOfferManager LogicalResults table
	timestamp: "xx", //when record created
  • partition key: logicalResultId
  • is temporary, after waitingHandlers is empty send OutProcessLogical message and delete HandlerLogicalRequests record
  • flow starts complexFilter for each handler service, once complete triggers a lambda that copies Handler LogicalResults data to SellOfferManager LogicalResults table, combining all Handler results, removes Handler from waitingHandlers. Once all are complete (waitingHandlers empty) we can send a message saying the SellOfferManager level logical results are complete
  • Logical element that gets passed to handler services must match the element received by SellOfferManager, so can match records