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== SellOffers ==
== SellOfferRecord ==

Records which Handler manages each sell offer
Records which Handler manages each sell offer
Line 86: Line 86:
[[Standard LogicalResults Per Service|LogicalSortedRequest]]
[[Standard LogicalResults Per Service|LogicalSortedRequest]]

== LogicalSortedSellOfferPricePending ==
== AwaitingMultipleSteps ==

Temporary link/flow list of sorted SellOffer orderPrices requests waiting to complete before LogicalResultMain can find aggregate for value each sellOffer, used only to make checking remaining requests more efficient
[[NPM module - izara-shared|AwaitingMultipleSteps]]

<syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript">
* stores pending sellOfferPriceSortResultId
sellOfferPriceSortResultId: "xx",
logicalResultId: "xx",
sellOfferId: "xx"
* partition key: sellOfferPriceSortResultId
* sort key: logicalResultId
* is temporary, after sorted sellOfferPrice complete delete this record, and check if any LogicalSortedSellOfferPricePending records remain for logicalResultId record, if none can move to next step
Global secondary index:
* partition key: logicalResultId
* sort key: sellOfferPriceSortResultId
* projected attributes: (none)
* main primary key is used to find parent logicalResultId after a sorted sellOfferPrice completes, GSI is used to check if any pending remain for parent logicalResultId

== FindDataMain ==
== FindDataMain ==
Line 120: Line 104:
== OrderPrice ==
== OrderPrice ==

Cache of one completed total calculation for list of sellOffer quantities, and one combination of deliverToLocationId, / sellOfferPlanUserPaymentMethodLinkId / sellOfferPlanDeliveryMethodLinkId. Price includes Payment and Delivery method costs.
Cache of one total calculation for list of sellOffer quantities, and one combination of deliverToLocationId, / sellOfferPlanUserPaymentMethodLinkId / sellOfferPlanDeliveryMethodLinkId. Price includes Payment and Delivery method costs.

<syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript">
<syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript">
Line 129: Line 113:
//price: "xx", //removing and using findDataMain process
//price: "xx", //removing and using findDataMain process
//expiryTime: "xx", //removing and using findDataMain process
//expiryTime: "xx", //removing and using findDataMain process
status: "xx", // "recalculating"|"complete"|"error", not really needed, but added as a reference
// status: "xx", // "recalculating"|"complete"|"error", not really needed, added as a reference
errorsFound: [], // stringSet, when recalculating, will reset to empty, once finished if any errorsFound then status will be "error"
// errorsFound: [], // stringSet, when recalculating, will reset to empty, once finished if any errorsFound then status will be "error"
// uniqueRequestId: "xx", (I think no longer used) used for idempotence when first process request called, in case that invocation fails and restarts, can be removed when set to complete/error
// uniqueRequestId: "xx", (I think no longer used) used for idempotence when first process request called, in case that invocation fails and restarts, can be removed when set to complete/error
combinedSubtotal: "xx",
orderSubtotal: "xx",
orderQuantity: "xx",
orderQuantity: "xx",
sellOfferPrices: {}
sellOfferPrices: {}
deliveryPrice: "xx",
sellOfferPlanDeliveryMethodLinkId: "xx",
paymentPrice: "xx",
sellOfferPlanUserPaymentMethodLinkId: "xx",
Line 142: Line 130:
* orderPriceId is {hash of sellOfferQuantities / orderQuantity / deliverToLocationId / sellOfferPlanDeliveryMethodLinkId / sellOfferPlanUserPaymentMethodLinkId
* orderPriceId is {hash of sellOfferQuantities / orderQuantity / deliverToLocationId / sellOfferPlanDeliveryMethodLinkId / sellOfferPlanUserPaymentMethodLinkId
* sellOfferPlanQuantities works out the combined total for multiple sellOfferPlans, all sellOfferPlans must offer the given payment and delivery Ids, if not will be status error
* sellOfferPlanQuantities works out the combined total for multiple sellOfferPlans, all sellOfferPlans must offer the given payment and delivery Ids, if not will be status error
* combinedSubtotal / orderQuantity / sellOfferPrices are values found during re-calc
* values found during re-calc are stored here, and can be used to present detailed cart pricing
* total price is stored in FindData table, and price is recalculated whenever FindData expires. This will mean should always request price via FindData, cannot request directly from orderPrice table

= Complex Filter requests =
= Complex Filter requests =

Latest revision as of 12:38, 4 February 2022


Each sell offer is handled by a Service - Sell Offer (handlers) service.

The Sell Offer Manager service handles shared orchestration of the Sell Offer Handler services.


DynamoDB tables

Standard Config Table Per Service

Configuration tags

	configKey: "ProductGraphServiceName"
	configTag: "ProductGraphServiceName"
	configValue: xxx // eg: "ProductGraph"
	configKey: "SellOfferHandlerService"
	configTag: xxx // sellOfferHandlerServiceNameTag, eg: "SellOfferStandard", this is what is saved in each catalog record
	configValue: {
		serviceName: xxx // eg: "SellOfferStandard", this is the actual deployed service name}
	configKey: "TranslateIdsType"
	configTag: xxx // eg SellOffer > Product would be sellOffer_product
	configValue: {
		ttl: 64000 // number of seconds TranslateIdsCache records live for


Records which Handler manages each sell offer

  • partition key: sellOfferId
  • sort key: (none)


Stores a record for one translateId data which can be queried as a cache rather than performing the translateIDs logic

	cacheId // fromType + "_" + fromDataId + "_" + toType
  • partition key: cacheId
  • sort key: toDataId
  • expireTime is set as an automatic DynamoDB TTL attibute











  • stores pending sellOfferPriceSortResultId








Cache of one total calculation for list of sellOffer quantities, and one combination of deliverToLocationId, / sellOfferPlanUserPaymentMethodLinkId / sellOfferPlanDeliveryMethodLinkId. Price includes Payment and Delivery method costs.

	orderPriceId: "xx",
	sellOfferQuantities: {},
	deliverToLocationId: "xx",
	//price: "xx", //removing and using findDataMain process
	//expiryTime: "xx", //removing and using findDataMain process
	// status: "xx", // "recalculating"|"complete"|"error", not really needed, added as a reference
	// errorsFound: [], // stringSet, when recalculating, will reset to empty, once finished if any errorsFound then status will be "error"
	// uniqueRequestId: "xx", (I think no longer used) used for idempotence when first process request called, in case that invocation fails and restarts, can be removed when set to complete/error
	orderSubtotal: "xx",
	orderQuantity: "xx",
	sellOfferPrices: {}
	deliveryPrice: "xx",
	sellOfferPlanDeliveryMethodLinkId: "xx",
	paymentPrice: "xx",
	sellOfferPlanUserPaymentMethodLinkId: "xx",
  • partition key: orderPriceId
  • sort key: (none)
  • orderPriceId is {hash of sellOfferQuantities / orderQuantity / deliverToLocationId / sellOfferPlanDeliveryMethodLinkId / sellOfferPlanUserPaymentMethodLinkId
  • sellOfferPlanQuantities works out the combined total for multiple sellOfferPlans, all sellOfferPlans must offer the given payment and delivery Ids, if not will be status error
  • values found during re-calc are stored here, and can be used to present detailed cart pricing
  • total price is stored in FindData table, and price is recalculated whenever FindData expires. This will mean should always request price via FindData, cannot request directly from orderPrice table

Complex Filter requests

	filterType: "sellOffer" //unique id is sellOfferId
	type: "group",
			type: "complexFilter",
			complexFilter: {
				filterType: "sellOfferPlan",
				// see [[Service - Sell Offer Plan|Complex Filter requests]]
			type: "complexFilter",
			complexFilter: {
				filterType: "sellOfferTermLink",
				// see [[Service - Sell Offer Terms|Complex Filter requests]]
			type: "complexFilter",
			complexFilter: {
				filterType: "planDeliveryPaymentCombination",
				// see [[Service - Sell Offer Plan|Complex Filter requests]]
			type: "complexFilter",
			complexFilter: {
				filterType: "orderPrice",
				// see below
  • TranslateIds from planDeliveryPaymentCombination to sellOffer will find all unique sellOfferIds in the range of combinations
  • TranslateIds from orderPrice to sellOffer will find all unique sellOfferIds in the range of orderPrices
	filterType: "orderPrice" //unique id is orderPriceId
	type: "group",
			type: "logical",
			logicalTag: "maxPrice"|"minPrice"|"averagePrice",
			comparison: "xx", // "equals"|"greaterThan"|"lessThan"|"greaterThanEquals"|"lessThanEquals"
			value: "xx",
			orderQuantity: 1,
			deliverToLocationIds: [],
			paymentMethodIds: [],
			deliveryMethodIds: []
			excludeEmpty: true
			// finds all orderPrices for one sellOfferId according to all combinations of deliverToLocationIds / paymentMethodIds / deliveryMethodIds
			type: "logical",
			logicalTag: "sellOfferQuantityLocationIdCombinations",
			sellOfferId: "xx",
			orderQuantity: 1,
			deliverToLocationIds: [],
			paymentMethodIds: [],
			deliveryMethodIds: [],
			excludeEmpty: true
			//will create a set of orderPrices, one per sellOffer according to aggregate function
			type: "logical",
			logicalTag: "aggregatedSellOfferPrices",
			orderQuantity: 1,
			deliverToLocationIds: [],
			paymentMethodIds: [],
			deliveryMethodIds: [],
			aggregate: "xx", // "maxPrice"|"minPrice"|"averagePrice",
			excludeEmpty: true
  • do not have open ended filters (like orderPrice status) because orderPrice does not have a defined set of underlying records, instead each element needs to contain filters that will create a list of orderPrices (that can be filtered in some way once created)
  • excludeEmpty: if true will not store values that are null/zero/empty string (eg orderPrices that are status "error")

Working documents

Sell Offer Manager