Service - Sell Offer Manager: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "= Overview = Each sell offer is handled by a Service - Sell Offer (handlers) service. The Sell Offer Manager service handles shared orchestration of the Sell Offer Handl...")
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== TranslateIdsRequest ==
Stores a record for any unique translateId request
<syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript">
translateIdsRequestId: xxx // fromType + '_' + fromResultId + '_' + toType
status: // "processing"|"complete"
request_hashes: [..] // string set of hashes of each request object, used for idempotence
requests: [..] // array of request objects waiting a reply when this request is complete
* partition key: translateIdsRequestId
* sort key: {none}

= Working documents =
= Working documents =

Revision as of 13:36, 4 July 2021


Each sell offer is handled by a Service - Sell Offer (handlers) service.

The Sell Offer Manager service handles shared orchestration of the Sell Offer Handler services.


DynamoDB tables

Standard Config Table Per Service

Configuration tags

	configKey: "ProductsGraphServiceName"
	configTag: "ProductsGraphServiceName"
	configValue: xxx // eg: "ProductsGraph"
	configKey: "SellOfferService"
	configTag: xxx // sellOfferServiceNameTag, eg: "SellOfferStandard", this is what is saved in each catalog record
	configValue: {
		serviceName: xxx // eg: "SellOfferStandard", this is the actual deployed service name}


Stores a record for any unique translateId request

	translateIdsRequestId: xxx // fromType + '_' + fromResultId + '_' + toType
	status: // "processing"|"complete"
	request_hashes: [..] // string set of hashes of each request object, used for idempotence
	requests: [..] // array of request objects waiting a reply when this request is complete
  • partition key: translateIdsRequestId
  • sort key: {none}

Working documents

Sell Offer Manager