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[[Standard LogicalResults Per Service|LogicalSortedRequest]]
[[Standard LogicalResults Per Service|LogicalSortedRequest]]

== LogicalSortedSellOfferPricePending ==
== AwaitingMultipleSteps ==

Temporary link/flow list of sorted SellOffer orderPrices requests waiting to complete before LogicalResultMain can find aggregate for value each sellOffer, used only to make checking remaining requests more efficient
[[NPM module - izara-shared|AwaitingMultipleSteps]]

<syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript">
* stores pending sellOfferPriceSortResultId
sellOfferPriceSortResultId: "xx",
logicalResultId: "xx",
sellOfferId: "xx"
* partition key: sellOfferPriceSortResultId
* sort key: logicalResultId
* is temporary, after sorted sellOfferPrice complete delete this record, and check if any LogicalSortedSellOfferPricePending records remain for logicalResultId record, if none can move to next step
Global secondary index:
* partition key: logicalResultId
* sort key: sellOfferPriceSortResultId
* projected attributes: (none)
* main primary key is used to find parent logicalResultId after a sorted sellOfferPrice completes, GSI is used to check if any pending remain for parent logicalResultId

== FindDataMain ==
== FindDataMain ==

Revision as of 14:42, 25 December 2021


Each sell offer is handled by a Service - Sell Offer (handlers) service.

The Sell Offer Manager service handles shared orchestration of the Sell Offer Handler services.


DynamoDB tables

Standard Config Table Per Service

Configuration tags

	configKey: "ProductGraphServiceName"
	configTag: "ProductGraphServiceName"
	configValue: xxx // eg: "ProductGraph"
	configKey: "SellOfferHandlerService"
	configTag: xxx // sellOfferHandlerServiceNameTag, eg: "SellOfferStandard", this is what is saved in each catalog record
	configValue: {
		serviceName: xxx // eg: "SellOfferStandard", this is the actual deployed service name}
	configKey: "TranslateIdsType"
	configTag: xxx // eg SellOffer > Product would be sellOffer_product
	configValue: {
		ttl: 64000 // number of seconds TranslateIdsCache records live for


Records which Handler manages each sell offer

  • partition key: sellOfferId
  • sort key: (none)


Stores a record for one translateId data which can be queried as a cache rather than performing the translateIDs logic

	cacheId // fromType + "_" + fromDataId + "_" + toType
  • partition key: cacheId
  • sort key: toDataId
  • expireTime is set as an automatic DynamoDB TTL attibute











  • stores pending sellOfferPriceSortResultId








Cache of one completed total calculation for list of sellOffer quantities, and one combination of deliverToLocationId, / sellOfferPlanUserPaymentMethodLinkId / sellOfferPlanDeliveryMethodLinkId. Price includes Payment and Delivery method costs.

	orderPriceId: "xx",
	sellOfferQuantities: {},
	deliverToLocationId: "xx",
	//price: "xx", //removing and using findDataMain process
	//expiryTime: "xx", //removing and using findDataMain process
	status: "xx", // "recalculating"|"complete"|"error", not really needed, but added as a reference
	errorsFound: [], // stringSet, when recalculating, will reset to empty, once finished if any errorsFound then status will be "error"
	// uniqueRequestId: "xx", (I think no longer used) used for idempotence when first process request called, in case that invocation fails and restarts, can be removed when set to complete/error
	combinedSubtotal: "xx",
	orderQuantity: "xx",
	sellOfferPrices: {}
  • partition key: orderPriceId
  • sort key: (none)
  • orderPriceId is {hash of sellOfferQuantities / orderQuantity / deliverToLocationId / sellOfferPlanDeliveryMethodLinkId / sellOfferPlanUserPaymentMethodLinkId
  • sellOfferPlanQuantities works out the combined total for multiple sellOfferPlans, all sellOfferPlans must offer the given payment and delivery Ids, if not will be status error
  • combinedSubtotal / orderQuantity / sellOfferPrices are values found during re-calc

Complex Filter requests

	filterType: "sellOffer" //unique id is sellOfferId
	type: "group",
			type: "complexFilter",
			complexFilter: {
				filterType: "sellOfferPlan",
				// see [[Service - Sell Offer Plan|Complex Filter requests]]
			type: "complexFilter",
			complexFilter: {
				filterType: "sellOfferTermLink",
				// see [[Service - Sell Offer Terms|Complex Filter requests]]
			type: "complexFilter",
			complexFilter: {
				filterType: "planDeliveryPaymentCombination",
				// see [[Service - Sell Offer Plan|Complex Filter requests]]
			type: "complexFilter",
			complexFilter: {
				filterType: "orderPrice",
				// see below
  • TranslateIds from planDeliveryPaymentCombination to sellOffer will find all unique sellOfferIds in the range of combinations
  • TranslateIds from orderPrice to sellOffer will find all unique sellOfferIds in the range of orderPrices
	filterType: "orderPrice" //unique id is orderPriceId
	type: "group",
			type: "logical",
			logicalTag: "maxPrice"|"minPrice"|"averagePrice",
			comparison: "xx", // "equals"|"greaterThan"|"lessThan"|"greaterThanEquals"|"lessThanEquals"
			value: "xx",
			orderQuantity: 1,
			deliverToLocationIds: [],
			paymentMethodIds: [],
			deliveryMethodIds: []
			excludeEmpty: true
			// finds all orderPrices for one sellOfferId according to all combinations of deliverToLocationIds / paymentMethodIds / deliveryMethodIds
			type: "logical",
			logicalTag: "sellOfferQuantityLocationIdCombinations",
			sellOfferId: "xx",
			orderQuantity: 1,
			deliverToLocationIds: [],
			paymentMethodIds: [],
			deliveryMethodIds: [],
			excludeEmpty: true
			//will create a set of orderPrices, one per sellOffer according to aggregate function
			type: "logical",
			logicalTag: "aggregatedSellOfferPrices",
			orderQuantity: 1,
			deliverToLocationIds: [],
			paymentMethodIds: [],
			deliveryMethodIds: [],
			aggregate: "xx", // "maxPrice"|"minPrice"|"averagePrice",
			excludeEmpty: true
  • do not have open ended filters (like orderPrice status) because orderPrice does not have a defined set of underlying records, instead each element needs to contain filters that will create a list of orderPrices (that can be filtered in some way once created)
  • excludeEmpty: if true will not store values that are null/zero/empty string (eg orderPrices that are status "error")

Working documents

Sell Offer Manager