Service - Cart
Revision as of 15:13, 27 October 2021 by Sven the Barbarian (talk | contribs)
Manages a shopping cart of sell offers prior to confirming as order/s.
DynamoDB tables
Standard Config Table Per Service
Configuration tags
configTag: "SellOfferManagerServiceName"
configKey: "SellOfferManagerServiceName"
configValue: xxx // eg: "SellOfferManager"
configTag: "DeliveryMethodManagerServiceName"
configKey: "DeliveryMethodManagerServiceName"
configValue: xxx // eg: "DeliveryMethodManager"
configTag: "PaymentMethodManagerServiceName"
configKey: "PaymentMethodManagerServiceName"
configValue: xxx // eg: "PaymentMethodManager"
configTag: "SellOfferPlanServiceName"
configKey: "SellOfferPlanServiceName"
configValue: xxx // eg: "SellOfferPlan"
configTag: "OrderGraphServiceName"
configKey: "OrderGraphServiceName"
configValue: xxx // eg: "OrderGraph"
Graph database
Service - Orders Graph
nodeLabel: "{CartPlanLib.CART_GRAPH_NODE_LABEL}", // "cart"
schema: {
identifier: true,
restrictProperties: true,
restrictRelationships: true,
properties: {
cartId: {
identifier: true, // create unique id from request params and uniqueMessageId
totalQuantity: {},
totalValue: {}, // will be in the currency of the paymentMethod selected (when changes need to re-calculate)
name: {},
nodeLabel: "{CartPlanLib.CART_SELLOFFERLINK_GRAPH_NODE_LABEL}", // "cartSellOfferLink"
schema: {
identifier: true,
restrictProperties: true,
restrictRelationships: true,
properties: {
cartSellOfferLinkId: {
identifier: true, // create unique id from request params and uniqueMessageId
quantity: {},
valid: {}, // true|false depending on last validation check
relationshipType: "{CartPlanLib.createHasActiveCartGraphRelationshipType()}", // "hasActive_cart"
schema: {
elementCanBeRemoved: true,
allPropertiesImmutable: true,
restrictProperties: true,
properties: {
originTimestamp: //timestamp the request to create/change this relationship was sent
relationshipType: "{CartPlanLib.createHasCompletedCartGraphRelationshipType()}", // "hasCompleted_cart"
schema: {
elementCanBeRemoved: true,
allPropertiesImmutable: true,
restrictProperties: true,
properties: {
originTimestamp: //timestamp the request to create/change this relationship was sent
relationshipType: "{CartPlanLib.createHasDeletedCartGraphRelationshipType()}", // "hasDeleted_cart"
schema: {
elementCanBeRemoved: true,
allPropertiesImmutable: true,
restrictProperties: true,
properties: {
originTimestamp: //timestamp the request to create/change this relationship was sent
- links a user to a cart
- a cart can either be active, completed, or deleted
relationshipType: "{CartPlanLib.cartPaymentMethodGraphRelationshipType()}", // "cart_paymentMethod"
schema: {
elementCanBeRemoved: true,
allPropertiesImmutable: true,
restrictProperties: true,
properties: {
originTimestamp: //timestamp the request to create/change this relationship was sent
- links a cart to it's current paymentMethod setting
relationshipType: "{CartPlanLib.cartDeliveryMethodGraphRelationshipType()}", // "cart_deliveryMethod"
schema: {
elementCanBeRemoved: true,
allPropertiesImmutable: true,
restrictProperties: true,
properties: {
originTimestamp: //timestamp the request to create/change this relationship was sent
- links a cart to it's current deliveryMethod setting
relationshipType: "{CartPlanLib.createHasCartSellOfferLinkGraphRelationshipType()}", // "has_cartSellOfferLink"
schema: {
elementCanBeRemoved: true,
allPropertiesImmutable: true,
restrictProperties: true,
properties: {
originTimestamp: //timestamp the request to create/change this relationship was sent
relationshipType: "{CartPlanLib.createCartSellOfferLinkIsSellOfferGraphRelationshipType()}", // "cartSellOfferLinkIs_sellOffer"
schema: {
elementCanBeRemoved: true,
allPropertiesImmutable: true,
restrictProperties: true,
properties: {
originTimestamp: //timestamp the request to create/change this relationship was sent