Service - Integration Testing

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Revision as of 02:10, 3 September 2020 by Sven the Barbarian (talk | contribs)
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Service that pulls integration tests from the Integration Test Config service, invokes each test and monitors the steps execute as expected.

This service is intended to be run in a deployed AWS environment, all services and resources required for the integration tests need to be operational.

DynamoDB tables



integrationTestTag (partition key) testStartedTimestamp (sort key) - time that the integration test was started/created. stages - an object that holds the details and status of each stage #TestRecord.stages structure testStatus - current status of the integration test, either processing, passed, or failed

Lambda Functions


 * Starts integration test/s
 * @param {string} [integrationTestTag] - Only initiate test with matching integrationTestTag
 * @param {string} [serviceName] - Only initiate tests where initialStage serviceName matches
 * @param {string} [resourceType] - Only initiate tests where initialStage resourceType matches
 * @param {string} [resourceName] - Only initiate tests where initialStage resourceName matches
 * @returns {boolean} true if the test was initiated successfully, false if the test could not be initiated (? or an error thrown ?)
module.exports.getIntegrationTests = (serviceName, resourceType, resourceName) => {


  1. Invoke Service - Integration Test Config:getIntegrationTests to get configurations of all matching tests
  2. for each integration test:
    1. save a record into TestRecord table
    2. store in a variable the config for the initialStage
      we do not want to send the initial request until all stages are saved into TestRecord table
  3. for the initialStage:
    1. build initial event to start the test using the initialStage's input event
    2. invoke the initialStage's Lambda function

TestRecord.stages structure

    config: {
        //straight copy of this stage from integration test config
    status: waiting|passed|failed,
    results: {
        //detailed results for this stage


Initiating tests

When the initial request is sent to begin an integration test the middleware LOG_LEVEL is set to DEBUG, this causes all Lambda functions and requests to external services to also add a message to the services MsgOut queue.

The Integration Testing service subscribes to these queues and uses these messages to monitor each stage of the workflow to ensure input and output is as expected, and that the integration test completes fully.

Add the following Correlation Ids to the initial request so we can track the integration test and filter messages: .... which gets added to Message Attributes and can be used as a filter, so only debug messages that were initiated by Integration Testing are received by it. This will exclude requests that middleware randomly sets to debug.