Using Postman
Connecting Postman to API Gateway
Connect API to Postman
- AWS API Gateway: click name of service api
- Click stage /Test
- and click export choose ..”Export as Swagger+Postman Extensions” copy code JSON, if Postman does not work with JSON, try YAML
- Go to postman and paste in import/ Raw text/ continue.
- Now My Workspace connect to Api finished.
Manually get Access Token
Method 1: Use Izara frontend
- Only works if frontend signin currently functioning
web interface:
- Navbar > Sign in using mock account (suggested), if you signup with new user will get default role in basicUser, that mean you NOT allow to access all functions.
- F12 to see element
- select tab >> Application
- Session Storage > http... > access_token and copy these token to postman
Method 2: Use AWS Interface and Postman
- go to AWS > Cognito > UserPool > App Client Settings
- click on Laung Hosted UI for correct client app
- sign in
- Cognito will try to redirect and may fail, but can copy code from url:
- Postman setup new request as follows:
- invoke request and should get access token
- TTL of token will depend on setting in Cognito app, can increase so not need to do often
Add Access Token to Postman requests
- paste token to Authorization > TYPE: Bearer Token >> [Token] ...
- For auth: UserLevel, need to send “targerUserId” in Params > Path Variables > KEY: targetUserId, VALUE: <targetUserId>
Default Test Seed Data email accounts
Email use in web interface for get access token.
- basicUserA
- Email:
- Password: Abc123456!
- verifiedUserA
- Email:
- Password: Abc123456!
- verifiedUserB
- Email:
- Password: Abc123456!
- superUserA
- Email:
- Password: Abc123456!
Setup requests in Postman
- click on workspace and choose folder and file testing
- click Body choose raw > JSON and push your request in code block.
- and send message.
- below block show return response.
- If test api works . will show return response and status code: 200 OK
- You can see more response see in cloudwatch in function testing.