Service - Stock Location Manager
Revision as of 09:49, 4 May 2023 by Sven the Barbarian (talk | contribs)
Each Sell Offer (Standard) record points to a Stock Loctation record which is handled by a Service - Stock Location (handlers) service, with Service - Stock Location Standard handling simple quantities remaining in stock per stock location record.
The Stock Location Manager service handles shared orchestration of Stock Location Handler services.
DynamoDB tables
Standard Config Table Per Service
Configuration tags
configKey: "ProductGraphServiceName"
configTag: "ProductGraphServiceName"
configValue: xxx // eg: "ProductGraph"
configKey: "StockLocationHandlerService"
configTag: xxx // stockLocationHandlerServiceNameTag, eg: "StockLocationStandard"
configValue: {
serviceName: xxx // eg: "StockLocationStandard", this is the actual deployed service name
Records which Handler manages each stock location
- partition key: stockLocationId
- sort key: (none)
Service - Products Graph
nodeLabel: "{stockLocationSharedLib.consts.STOCKLOCATION_GRAPH_NODE_LABEL}", // "stockLocation"
schema: {
identifier: true,
restrictProperties: true,
restrictRelationships: true,
properties: {
stockLocationId: {
identifier: true, // create unique id from translation
stockLocationHandlerServiceNameTag: {
immutable: true,
Versioned data
properties: {
locationName: xx, // user defined name for stock location
Basic node schemas (?)
nodeLabel: "{StockLocationManagerLib.STOCKLOCATION_GRAPH_NODE_LABEL}"
schema: {
identifier: true,
restrictProperties: true,
restrictRelationships: true,
properties: {
stockLocationId: {
identifier: true,
stockLocationHandlerServiceNameTag: {
immutable: true,
relationshipType: "{stockLocationSharedLib.atStockLocationGraphRelationshipType()}", // "at_StockLocation"
schema: {
immutable: true,
restrictProperties: true,
properties: {
originTimestamp: //timestamp the request to create/change this relationship was sent
- connects sellOffer to stockLocation
Translate Ids - stockLocation to sellOffer
- from stockLocationId to sellOfferIds
Complex Filter requests
- Not yet used at the Manager level, would send requests to all handlers, could perhaps setup to automatically pass on processLogical requests to all handlers, and not have a processLogical function in the Manager service