Service - FormObjectCreate Config
Revision as of 13:40, 5 July 2023 by Sven the Barbarian (talk | contribs)
Manages configuration for one form used to create a new object
DynamoDB tables
formObjectCreateConfigId: "xx", // {random uuid}
formObjectCreateConfig: "xx", // json encoded object of configuration
formObjectCreateConfigName: "yy", // user specified name of the config
userId: "xx"
- partition key: formObjectCreateConfigId
- sort key: {none}
userId: "xx" // user who owns the config
formObjectCreateConfigId: "xx",
- partition key: userId
- sort key: formObjectCreateConfigId
formObjectCreateConfig Object
formName: "xx", // set by the creator of the form, displayed in setup pages
// grouping/row/cell/elements structure same tableConfig
// add css theme and overwrite settings
// standardize property names to match tableConfig structure (eg elementTypes)
rows: {
rowName: "xx",
groupings: [
groupingName: "xx",
rows: [
rowName: "xx",
cells: [
cellName: "xx",
elements: [
formElementType: "freeText", // freeText|data{same tableConfig}
text: "xxx",
formElementType: "data{same tableConfig}",
fieldName: "fieldName_1",
// want to add way to also create or link to other objects according to relationshipTypes
// ..