Service - Unit Standard
Revision as of 08:19, 6 August 2023 by Sven the Barbarian (talk | contribs)
Handler service for the standard unit that tracks a single item.
DynamoDB tables
Standard Config Table Per Service
Configuration tags
configTag: "SupplyGraphServiceName"
configKey: "SupplyGraphServiceName"
configValue: xxx // eg: "SupplyGraph"
configTag: "UnitManagerServiceName"
configKey: "UnitManagerServiceName"
configValue: xxx // eg: "UnitManager"
Standard LogicalResults Per Service
Graph database
Service - Supply Graph
Versioned data
properties: {
// some are controlled by unitType, others can be added as needed case by case, not controlled
relationshipType: "{unitStandardLib.IS_UNITTYPE_GRAPH_REL_TYPE}", // "is_unitType"
schema: {
elementCanBeRemoved: false,
allPropertiesImmutable: true,
restrictProperties: true,
properties: {
originTimestamp: //timestamp the request to create/change this relationship was sent
- links a standard unit to a unit type
relationshipType: "{unitStandardLib.UNIT_IS_CURRENCY_GRAPH_REL_TYPE}", // "unitIs_currency"
schema: {
elementCanBeRemoved: true,
allPropertiesImmutable: true,
restrictProperties: true,
properties: {
originTimestamp: //timestamp the request to create/change this relationship was sent
- If UnitType has set isCurrency=true, all Units of that UnitType will have a link to a currency node