Frontend SitePage Element - GraphNavigation
Revision as of 05:33, 30 September 2023 by Sven the Barbarian (talk | contribs)
Querying Backend per Node
- After the GraphNavigation Config is received from the backend an initial SortResult request is sent to the backend to find data to populate the graph
- One request per node found
- Config will specify how many hops to request data for, from currently focused node or from floating nodes (case of multiple initial nodes)
- Could move some of this processing to a backend endpoint that combines a number of hops into one request
- SortFields will normally be the weight of the relationships, but this can be controlled by settings
- Paginate the sorted results to get the list of relationships to show for any node
- If user requests more nodes, request additional pages from SortResult
- As user navigates the graph, continue sending requests to backend for more nodes/relationships
- Have setting to control how to make additional requests, automatic, when reach leaf node, or manual button to request more
SortResult request
- has additional Param identifying the source node
- also include all filters, requiredData, sortFields
- sent to websocket in SortResult service (?) that notifies when the SortResult is complete, or if using a persistent websocket might be handed by GraphNavigation service
SearchResult request
- Can find any arbritary node/rel properties or versioned data
- Uses the RelNodeId to build the identifiers to query the graph
- requested property/fieldnames are probably a requestParam for a range of filterTags, like findNodeProperty, findRelationshipProperty, findNodeVersionedDataProperty
Complex Filter
- Requires source node identifiers and objType
- builds graph query from request to find relationship and target node, any combination of Node Label / Node property / Relationship Type / Relationship property filters
- query auto adds relUuid and all node properties so can find identifiers for building RelNodeId
Connection to Backend
- Consider a persistent WebSocket recieving requests from frontend for new nodes and sending results to frontend
Initial Data Query
- The initial query to begin populating the graph can be either a specific node, or a graph query to find multiple nodes
Single Node
- Is handled the same as [Querying Backend per Node]
Multiple Nodes
- Begins a SortResult request for nodes that match the initial query
- All nodes will show, and will begin populating the graph using [Querying Backend per Node] requests according to GraphNavigation Config
- sortField/s are required, the first node found will be the focus
Interaction with sitePageConfig
- sitePage can set a starting node, or have a popup to input the starting node
- Need some way to wrap in conversations presentation that shows most recent, most commented (within timerange) etc
- Maybe that could be a popup settin for the GraphNavigation, or an element that pops up and allows for a search that returns a range of nodes (might not be related) that match the search
- GraphNavigation could be set to default to showing that popup for initial seeding of graph data
Grouping/Clustering of Nodes
- Probably cluster by node label, to allow for easy presentation adjustments by type
- Also add clusters according to viewed this session, or previously viewed (would need supporting backend data)