Learning Material
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- Basic commands to learn:
- ls
- ls -l
- cd
- Creating a VSCode project
- Adding folders to a project
Use Node environment to learn javascript, will need to change "alert" to "console.log", and browser objects like "document." will not be available
Programs to install:
- Node (install using NVM is best)
- Serverless Framework
- We use MS Visual Studio Code IDE
coding basics:
- https://javascript.info/variables
- https://javascript.info/types
- https://javascript.info/operators
- https://javascript.info/comparison
- https://javascript.info/ifelse
- https://javascript.info/switch
- https://javascript.info/logical-operators
- https://javascript.info/function-basics
- https://javascript.info/function-expressions
- https://javascript.info/javascript-specials
- timestamps:
- try/catch/finally blocks:
- environment variables
- validating function params or external data before use
data types:
- https://javascript.info/data-types
- https://javascript.info/number
- https://javascript.info/string
- https://javascript.info/array
- https://javascript.info/array-methods
- https://javascript.info/map-set
- https://javascript.info/keys-values-entries
- https://javascript.info/date
- https://javascript.info/json
- https://www.udemy.com/course/the-complete-web-developer-zero-to-mastery/learn/lecture/8670646#overview
- https://www.udemy.com/course/the-complete-web-developer-zero-to-mastery/learn/lecture/8691770#overview
- https://www.udemy.com/course/the-complete-web-developer-zero-to-mastery/learn/lecture/9427570#overview
- https://javascript.info/modules
- https://javascript.info/garbage-collection
- https://javascript.info/object-methods
- https://www.programiz.com/javascript/async-await
- (not as important as we normally use async/await) https://www.programiz.com/javascript/promise
- https://support.atlassian.com/bitbucket-cloud/docs/log-into-or-connect-to-bitbucket-cloud/
- https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/learn-git-with-bitbucket-cloud
- https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/setting-up-a-repository
- https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/saving-changes
- https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/git-ssh
How we use git in Izara:
AWS offers a free tier, you can create an account and use most services at a limited level for free for one year, then cancel the account (or stop all services) before the year is over.
- AWS overview:
- AWS and lambda:
Serverless Framework (sls)
- https://www.serverless.com/framework/docs
- We use the Serverless Framework to deploy AWS resources
- We do not use the Serverless hosted dashboard
- Learn the basic concepts of Serverless Framework but do not need to learn everything, we use only some elements of the framework and have a standard template for the AWS resources we use
Lambda container persistence
- Lambda environments are not discarded after each use, they can be reused for multiple invocations
- We can use this to maintain global variables, such as database connections
- Understand how partition(hash) and sort(range) keys work, why they are used
- https://www.udemy.com/course/aws-serverless-a-complete-introduction/learn/lecture/7221150#overview
- If there is the chance a query can return a large amount of data we need to paginate query results
- Receive a subset of all results and process them, then eg re-invoke the Lambda to process the next set of results
- messy notes: 2021-05-03 - DynamoDB pagination
SNS/SQS Message delivery
SQS Batch processing
API Gateway
API Gateway Authorizer Lambda Functions
Design Concepts
Race Conditions
- messy notes: 2021-05-03 Idempotence ideas
- some notes about idempotent Lambda processing: 2020-11-28 - Handling Message Batches from SQS Queues
Immutable Data
- especially for Lambda functions
We use Neo4j graph engine and Cypher query language
- https://www.tutorialspoint.com/neo4j/neo4j_quick_guide.htm
- Basic node relationship
- Cypher Query Language
- Neo4j CQL - Creating Nodes
- Create Node with Properties
- Returning the Created Node
- Neo4j CQL - Creating a Relationship
- Creating Relationships
- Neo4j - Return Clause
- Return nodes
- Return multiple nodes
Izara Backend
Services to study
Project Concepts
Information in the below pages should be understood before developing:
- Repository structure
- Syntax - Backend services
- Remote repository and workspace structure
- Communication between services
- Lambda handler functions
- Idempotence and Race Conditions
- Standard Config Table Per Service
- Stored Cache
- Triggered Cache
- Start working with Serverless Framework and our Empty Service Template to deploy resources to AWS
- Create a Lambda and DynamoDB table using iamRoleStatements to allow the Lambda to perform queries on Dynamo table
- sample in Empty Service Template
- Create 3 Lambda functions LambdaA posts to an SNS topic, LambdaB and LambdaC each have an SQS with Lambda triggers that subscribe to SNS and invoke when LambdaA posts
- eg: see ComplexFilter service, LambdaFunction: LogicalServiceResponse sends message to OutFilterComplete, which triggers LambdaFunction: ChildComplexFilterComplete (subscribes to OutFilterComplete). See:
- Resource: sns-out.yml: outFilterComplete
- Resource: sns-in-sqs.yml: (create Subscription in service) SNSSubscriptionMessageOutFilterComplete, Endpoint = ChildComplexFilterComplete
- App: function.yml: ChildComplexFilterCompleteHdrSqs, iamRoleStatements: Action = SNS:Publish / Resource = OutFilterComplete
- Create Lambda and API Gateway using http event, use Postman to send request from client to backend Lambda via API Gateway
- using Serverless http event for Lambda function
- Using Postman to send request from client to backend Lambda via API Gateway (can skip Authorizer)
- eg: https://bitbucket.org/stb_working/empty-service-template/src/development/
- lambda Api
- createConfig
- getConfig
- queryConfig
- updateConfig
- deleteConfig
- Try to understand Complex Filter / Search Result / Sort Result flow
- including ProcessLogical and FindData flows
- eg:
- Complex Filter flows: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1C3qXeTASgPKNZOSWwBfQ0KwJqOjKO4ce
Start Project
step to setup your work
Izara Frontend
- Single-SPA
- see messy notes and references at 2021-01-31 - Micro Frontends