Service - Activity Switchboard

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Revision as of 02:18, 8 August 2024 by Pong (talk | contribs)
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Receives most messages sent within the entire project's serverless flow, allows services to register a set of triggers that are checked when each message is received, if all triggers pass a message is sent out for subscribed services.


DynamoDB tables


triggerGroupId (partition key)
comes from: {receiverTag}_{uniqueId}
set by the creating service name eg. NotificationMgr
comes from receiver service, eg: {notificationId}, cannot include underscores
array of objects (DynamoDB list?)
each element has triggerId, triggerGroupId, valueType, propertyName, propertyValueString or propertyValueNumber


triggerId (partition key)
comes from: {hash of valueType(property|attribute).propertyName}_{hash of propertyValue}
or: serviceName_{hash of serviceName value}
or: topicName_{hash of topicName value}
create by #triggerGroup
"serviceName" and "topicName" valueTypes do not have propertyName
eg. property.propA.propB.propC
eg. attribute.serviceName
type of this propertyValueString is string from valueString in Service - Notification Manager
type of this propertyValueNumber is number from valueNumber in Service - Notification Manager

Object Schemas

Additional Information
Per Service Schemas



  • Groups many triggers, all triggers for a trigger group must pass for the trigger group to pass
  • no sort key
  • if multiple values are sent for a trigger we consider this an "or" check, any of the values can match. We do this by saving each value as a separate trigger, then when checking a trigger groups child triggers we have a counter that enables a check if any one of the values matches
	objectType: "triggerGroup",
	canDelete: true,
    complexFilterServiceTag: "complexFilter",
    overWriteHandlers: { // optional, if not set will create default handlers, if empty will not create handler and main function
		create: ['hdrSqs'], // default: ['hdrApi', 'hdrSqs']
		update: [], 	    // default: ['hdrApi', 'hdrSqs']
		get: [], 			// default: ['hdrApi', 'hdrInv']
		delete: ['hdrSqs'], // default: ['hdrApi', 'hdrSqs']
    // overwriteGeneratedMainFunction: ["create"],
    storageResources: {
		dynamoDB: {
			storageType: "dynamoDB",
			tableName: "TriggerGroups"
    fieldNames: { // see Per Service Schemas
		triggerGroupId: {
		    type: "string",
			optionalOnCreate: true,
			canUpdate: false,
			validation: {
				pattern: pattern
			storageResourceTags: ['dynamoDB']
		triggers: {
			type: "array",
			requiredOnCreate: true,
			canUpdate: false,
			validation: {
				pattern: pattern
			storageResourceTags: ['dynamoDB']
		receiverTag: {
			type: "string",
			requiredOnCreate: true,
			canUpdate: false,
			validation: {
				pattern: pattern
			storageResourceTags: ['dynamoDB']
		uniqueId: {
			type: "string",
			requiredOnCreate: true,
			canUpdate: false,
			validation: {
				pattern: pattern
			storageResourceTags: ['dynamoDB']
    identifiers: [
			type: "partitionKey",
			fieldNames: ["receiverTag", "uniqueId"],
			fieldName: "triggerGroupId"


(partition key)
comes from: {receiverTag}_{uniqueId}
set by the creating service name eg. NotificationMgr
comes from receiver service, eg: {notificationId}, cannot include underscores
array of objects (DynamoDB list?)
each element has triggerId, triggerGroupId, valueType, propertyName, propertyValueString and propertyValueNumber


	objectType: "trigger",
	canDelete: true,
    complexFilterServiceTag: "complexFilter",
    overWriteHandlers: { // optional, if not set will create default handlers, if empty will not create handler and main function
		create: ['hdrSqs'], // default: ['hdrApi', 'hdrSqs']
		update: [], 	    // default: ['hdrApi', 'hdrSqs']
		get: [], 			// default: ['hdrApi', 'hdrInv']
		delete: ['hdrSqs'], // default: ['hdrApi', 'hdrSqs']
    // overwriteGeneratedMainFunction: ["create", "delete"],
    storageResources: {
		dynamoDB: {
			storageType: "dynamoDB",
			tableName: "Triggers"
    fieldNames: { // see Per Service Schemas
		triggerId: {
		    type: "string",
			optionalOnCreate: true,
			canUpdate: false,
			validation: {
				pattern: pattern
			storageResourceTags: ['dynamoDB']
		triggerGroupId: {
		    type: "string",
			requiredOnCreate: true,
			canUpdate: false,
			validation: {
				pattern: pattern
			storageResourceTags: ['dynamoDB'],
			fromServiceNameTag: "ActivitySwitchboard" ,
			fromObjectType: "triggerGroup"
		valueType: {
			type: "string",
			requiredOnCreate: true,
			canUpdate: false,
			validation: {
				pattern: pattern
			storageResourceTags: ['dynamoDB']
		propertyValueString: {
			type: "string",
			optionalOnCreate: true,
			canUpdate: false,
			validation: {
				pattern: pattern
			storageResourceTags: ['dynamoDB']
		propertyValueNumber: {
			type: "number",
			optionalOnCreate: true,
			canUpdate: false,
			validation: {
				pattern: pattern
			storageResourceTags: ['dynamoDB']
		propertyName: {
			type: "string",
			optionalOnCreate: true,
			canUpdate: false,
			validation: {
				pattern: pattern
			storageResourceTags: ['dynamoDB']
	identifiers: [
			type: "partitionKey",
			fieldName: "triggerId"
			type: "sortKey",
			fieldName: "triggerGroupId"


(partition key)
comes from: {hash of valueType(property|attribute).propertyName}_{hash of propertyValue}
or: serviceName_{hash of serviceName value}
or: topicName_{hash of topicName value}
attributes is for message attributes
property is from the data sent inside the message body
hash property name and value so no ambiguity about underscores/spaces etc..
(sort key)
created by #triggerGroup
"serviceName" and "topicName" valueTypes do not have propertyName
eg. property.propA.propB.propC
eg. attribute.serviceName
type of this propertyValueString is string from valueString in Service - Notification Manager
type of this propertyValueNumber is number from valueNumber in Service - Notification Manager


// reference to relationshipTag in external service
    objectType: "userContact",                      // objectType in local service
    relationshipTag: "has_notificationGroup",       // name of relationshiptag of objType
    relationshipServiceTag: "NotificationManager"   // point to service tag that contain data of relationshipTag of objType
    objectType: "userContact",                      // objectType in local service
    relationshipTag: "disabled_notificationGroup",  // name of relationshiptag of objType
    relationshipServiceTag: "NotificationManager"   // point to service tag that contain data of relationshipTag of objType


  • Service will result in a large number of queries to Triggers table, every message will need to make a query for every field set as an activityTrigger
  • Try to make this as efficient as possible
  • To reduce number of queries made to Tiggers table we use the msgCfg for any message received
    • MsgCfg sets which properties can be used as triggers, others are not queried

Handling msgCfgs

  • msgCfgs get updated from Message Config Manager service, we do this by subscribing to Message Config Manager's OutMsgCfgUpdate topic
  • Only want to process messages from certain In/Out topics, it will be most topics but does not have to be all
  • Set which topics to subscribe to by setting activitySwitchboard = true in msgCfg


  • If more efficient can use cache for regular DynamoDB queries
  • Could add other matching methods such as greater than or less than, in DynamoDB this might be more efficient to add as separate table with its own structure, eg: partition key is the field reference, sort key is the amount, then use sort key to return matching triggers. Danger of bad partitioning in DynamoDB (or hitting limits) due to large numbers of sort keys associated with one partition key
  • could consider how to incorporate includes or checking within a set of options set in the trigger, again might need specialized table structure
  • Might be able to optimise by using SNS > stream instead of SNS > SQS for all incomming messages
  • One system level receiving service could be specialized logs, eg logs per service per user/per product/etc
  • Topic name is not fixed part of the TriggersGroup structure, allow for trigger groups that are not connected to specific topics, but can pass messages from any topic that matches other triggers

Working documents

Working_documents - Activity Switchboard