Service - Image Standard
Revision as of 10:23, 8 August 2021 by Sven the Barbarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Overview = Handler service for the standard image media type. = Repository = = DynamoD...")
Handler service for the standard image media type.
DynamoDB tables
Standard Config Table Per Service
Configuration tags
configTag: "MediaHandlerServiceNameTag"
configKey: "MediaHandlerServiceNameTag"
configValue: xxx // this own services ServiceNameTag, eg "ImageStandard", this is not the serviceName, but the unchanging tag stored in database records
configTag: "MediaGraphServiceName"
configKey: "MediaGraphServiceName"
configValue: xxx // eg: "MediaGraph"
configTag: "MediaManagerServiceName"
configKey: "MediaManagerServiceName"
configValue: xxx // eg: "MediaManager"
Stores results for any requests to perform logical searches on product data
resultId: xxx // eg: filterMainId for a single logical element
dataId: xxx // one mediaId
- partition key: resultId
- sort key: dataId
Graph database
Service - Media Graph
nodeLabel: "image",
schema: {
identifier: true,
restrictProperties: true,
restrictRelationships: true,
properties: {
mediaId: {
identifier: true, //(random uuid)
mediaHandlerServiceNameTag: {
immutable: true,