Service - Media Link
Revision as of 10:39, 8 August 2021 by Sven the Barbarian (talk | contribs)
Manages Media Links, links might attach to many subject node types, eg Product, Sell Offer, Product Attribute, Sell Offer Term,..
DynamoDB tables
Standard Config Table Per Service
Configuration tags
Stores results for any requests to perform logical searches on media links
resultId: xxx // eg: filterMainId for a single logical element
dataId: xxx // one mediaLinkId
- partition key: resultId
- sort key: dataId
Graph database
Service - Media Graph
nodeLabel: "mediaLink",
schema: {
identifier: true,
restrictProperties: true,
restrictRelationships: true,
properties: {
mediaLinkId: {
identifier: true, //(random uuid)
mediaId: {
immutable: true,
mediaHandlerServiceNameTag: {
immutable: true,
nodeLabel: "mediaLinkProperty",
schema: {
identifier: true,
restrictProperties: true,
restrictRelationships: true,
properties: {
mediaLinkId: {
identifier: true, //(random uuid)
propertyId: {
immutable: true,