Service - Account Limits
Revision as of 09:12, 4 November 2022 by Sven the Barbarian (talk | contribs)
Controls a user's limits for actions based on their roles set in Service - RBAC
- Works out each user’s site limits according to the user’s app_level RBAC roles
- Records user’s usage for counted limit types
DynamoDB tables
Standard Config Table Per Service
Configuration tags
configKey: "RbacServiceName"
configTag: "RbacServiceName"
configValue: xxx // eg: "RBAC"
Sets the limits applied to each role
roleLimitId: xxx
limitValue: xxx
limitType: xxx
- partition key: roleLimitId
- sort key: none
- roleLimitId: roleId + "_" + "limitTag"
- limitType is "static"|"timeBasedDynamic"|"runningTotal"
dynamicUsageId: xxx
usedTimestamp: xxx
count: xxx // integer
timeBasedUsageStatus: reserved|confirmed|cancelled
- partition key: dynamicUsageId
- sortKey: usedTimestamp
- dynamicUsageId: userId + "_" + limitTag
- count allows more than 1 usage to be applied per request
userId: xxx
limitTag: xxx
count: xxx // integer
- Partition key could possibly be userId + "_" + limitTag with no sort key
- count allows more than 1 usage to be applied per request
runningTotalReservedId: xxx
usedTimestamp: xxx
count: xxx // integer
usageType: "increase"|"decrease"
- partition key: runningTotalReservedId
- sortKey: usedTimestamp
- runningTotalReservedId: userId + "_" + limitTag
- count allows more than 1 usage to be applied per request
- usageType is whether the reserved usage is an increase or a decrease in the count
Limit types
static limits
- limits that are fixed
- eg size limit for an uploaded photo or video.
- static limits do not need to record usage by each user
time based limits
- eg number of products can list per day.
- have a record of usage
- when the user attempts to perform action it is checked first to not exceed their limit, then the use is reserved, once the client service completes the action the use is confirmed
- timeBasedDynamic: counts usage over the last period, counted from the time the request to perform the use is made
- Might need a cleanup process to remove really old records as not used after period passes
running total limits
- Maximum number of times an action can be performed
- eg maximum number of products a user can list.
- usage is counted but not time based
- can be added to or subtracted from
- eg: storage_space_used
- has process to reserve usage
FindData in RBAC
Use FindData in RBAC to find a users current limits, this will allow for cacheing and can add to tables/SearchResults etc..
- Currently thinking cannot have per user overwrites, can create roles to affect limits
- Could have per user/catalog limits too, probably as separate Account Limit services
- another possible time based limit: (can add later) time_based_period: has a set time when the count is reset, eg: per day, count resetting at midnight