Service - Menu Config
Revision as of 12:31, 19 March 2023 by Sven the Barbarian (talk | contribs)
Manages configuration for site menus created by users and used in different areas of the project.
DynamoDB tables
Standard Config Table Per Service
Configuration tags
configKey: "xx",
configTag: "xx",
configValue: "xx",
menuConfigId: "xx", // {useCase}_{random uuid}
menuConfig: "xx", // json encoded object of configuration
menuConfigName: "yy", // user specified name of the config
userId: "xx"
- partition key: menuConfigId
- sort key: {none}
- save menuConfig according to useCase, not yet applied but could sub areas of the project into different use cases, handled by the same Menu Config service
userId: "xx" // user who owns the tableConfig
menuConfigId: "xx",
- partition key: userId
- sort key: menuConfigId
rowName: "xx", // used when configuring only as a reference
menuElements: [
elementType: "menu"
menuElements: [
elementType: "staticUrl"
url: "xxx",
elementType: "projectLink"
service: "xx",
resource: "xx",
action: "xx",
elementType: "plainText"
plainText: "xxx",
elementType: "projectMenu", // used for the main project menu
// ..
// ..