Service - Translations
Revision as of 15:20, 15 February 2021 by Sven the Barbarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Overview = Service manages translations in the service. = Repository = = DynamoDB tables = == Standard Conf...")
Service manages translations in the service.
DynamoDB tables
Standard Config Table Per Service
Configuration tags
SQS queues
Add to this queue the translationLabel, languageCode, subjectId, translationId:
- translationLabel: Name for the entity being translated, eg: categoryName, is used to create id/indexes in ProjectGraph
- languageCode: see below
- subjectId: is the vertex id in the Project Graph for the entity that has a relationship with the translation, eg catalogCategory
- translationId: is the vertex id in the Project Graph for the translation
This queue does not have a Lambda trigger, we could poll it when resource costs really cheap as it is low importance (and/or have an API endpoint that polls and processes a batch).
Language codes
Considering using ISO 639-3 codes and designing a way to substring them to automatically go up the hierarchy if no lower level variants match, an alternative would be to allow users to create ordered lists of preferred translations and share these.