Category:Working documents - Sell Offer Manager
Revision as of 04:53, 28 November 2024 by Sven the Barbarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Service - Sell Offer Manager = Order subtotal = Notes: * can receive multiple sellOfferQuantities * will validate that all sellOffers in sellOfferQuantities share the same DeliveryMethodLink (and PaymentMethodLink) == Process == === Inital flow === * SellOfferManager recieves request with multiple sellOfferQuantities * calculates orderQty * per sellOfferId send to SellOffer Handler service (SellOfferStandard) with sellOfferQty and orderQty * SellOfferStandard pa...")
Order subtotal
- can receive multiple sellOfferQuantities
- will validate that all sellOffers in sellOfferQuantities share the same DeliveryMethodLink (and PaymentMethodLink)
Inital flow
- SellOfferManager recieves request with multiple sellOfferQuantities
- calculates orderQty
- per sellOfferId send to SellOffer Handler service (SellOfferStandard) with sellOfferQty and orderQty
- SellOfferStandard passes to SellOfferPrices service
- create two aggregated SortResult requests, one for sellOfferQty, another for orderQty
Base SortResult request
- objType: SellOfferPricing
- translate filter element for SellOfferId
- logical filter element for sellOfferPricing.type = sellOfferQty|orderQty
- requiredData: linkPath
- sortField: Price (from SellOfferPrice objType)
- field: Price (from SellOfferPrice objType)
- one LinkPath step, to SellOfferPrice
- comparison: high
- sort: upToValue
After base SortResult complete
- aggregate minimum Price
Pages in category "Working documents - Sell Offer Manager"
The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.