2021-01-30 - Create User Contact flow

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Service - User Contact Manager#Creating a new user contact

Service - Contact Method Email

Prep work - User Contact Manager

Add ContactMethodServiceName config table record/s

Lambda Functions - User Contact Manager

2020-11-28 - User Contact Manager - Functions#ContactMethod/List

2020-11-28 - User Contact Manager - Functions#UserContact/List

User interface flow

  1. Start at a list of all contact methods (use ContactMethod/List)
  2. User clicks on one method which redirects to that ContactMethod's Create page (not sure if the routes should be stored on the client application or sent as part of ContactMethod/List - ie stored in User Contact Manager's Config table, ContactMethodServiceName records)
  3. Create page when submited sends request to Email/Create (or that services Create endpoint)
  4. Redirects to either that Email's update page or User Contact Manager's UserContact/List page