2021-02-16 - Graph Handler - Functions
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Lambda Functions
* Create a new node
* @param {Object} _izContext - property of _izContext
* @param {string[]} nodeLabels - array of labels
* @param {object} nodeProperties - node properties
* @param {string} createdByUserId - userId
* @param {object} [createdByRelationshipProperties={}] - properties of relationship
* @param {string[]} [nodeIdentifierLabels=[]] - array of Identifier labels for query
* @param {object} [nodeUniqueIdPropertyNames=[]] - array of PropertyNames for query
- invoke #nodeLib.createNode
* Create a new relationship
* @param {object} _izContext - izara logger and correlationIds
* @param {string[]} parentNodeIdentifierLabels - array of parent node labels for qeury
* @param {object} parentNodeUniqueIdProperties - properties for query
* @param {string[]} childNodeIdentifierLabels - array of child node labels for qeury
* @param {object} childNodeUniqueIdProperties - properties for query
* @param {string} relationshipType
* @param {object} [relationshipProperties={}]
* Create a new node and versioned data/s
* @param {object} _izContext - izara logger and correlationIds
* @param {string[]} parentNodeLabels - array of parent node labels for qeury
* @param {object} parentNodeProperties - properties for query
* @param {string[]} parentNodeIdentifierLabels - array of parent node labels for qeury
* @param {object} parentNodeUniqueIdPropertyNames - properties for query
* @param {string} createdByUserId - userId
* @param {object[]} versionedData - array of versionedData to add
* @param {string[]} versionedData.versionedDataLabel - array of child node/versionData labels for qeury
* @param {object} versionedData.versionedDataProperties - properties for query
* @param {object} [versionedData.createdByRelationshipProperties={}] - properties of relationahip, default is {}
* @param {numeric} originTimestamp - external timestamp for check unique node
* @param {object} [createdByRelationshipProperties={}] - properties of relationahip, default is {}
* Create new versioned data for an existing node
* @param {string[]} parentNodeIdentifierLabels
* @param {object} parentNodeUniqueIdProperties
* @param {string} createdByUserId
* @param {string} versionedDataLabel
* @param {object} [versionedDataProperties={}]
* @param {numeric} [originTimestamp=0]
* @param {object} [createdByRelationshipProperties={}]
* Create a new child node and relationship connecting to a parent node
* @param {string[]} parentNodeIdentifierLabels
* @param {object} parentNodeUniqueIdProperties
* @param {string[]} childNodeLabels - array of labels
* @param {object} childNodeProperties - node properties
* @param {string} relationshipType - type of relationship
* @param {object} [relationshipProperties={}] - properties of relationship
* @param {string} [createdByUserId=""] - userId
* @param {string[]} [childNodeIdentifierLabels=[]] - array of labels used to uniquely identify the new node
* @param {string[]} [childNodeUniqueIdPropertyNames=[]] - array of propertyNames used to uniquely identify the new node
* @param {object} [createdByRelationshipProperties={}] - properties of relationship for createdBy user
- invoke #nodeLib.createNode
- create identifierLabels using #NodeLib.identifierLabelsFromLabelsAndIdentifierLabels
- create childNodeUniqueIdProperties using #nodeLib.uniqueIdPropertiesFromPropertiesAndPropertyNames
- invoke #relationshipLib.createRelationship
* Create a new child node with versioned data and relationship connecting to a parent node
* @param {string[]} parentNodeIdentifierLabels
* @param {object} parentNodeUniqueIdProperties
* @param {string[]} childNodeLabels - array of labels
* @param {object} childNodeProperties - node properties
* @param {string} relationshipType - type of relationship
* @param {object[]} versionedData - array of versionedData to add
* @param {string[]} versionedData.versionedDataLabel - array of child node/versionData labels for qeury
* @param {object} versionedData.versionedDataProperties - properties for query
* @param {object} [versionedData.createdByRelationshipProperties={}] - properties of relationahip, default is {}
* @param {object} [relationshipProperties={}] - properties of parent>child relationship
* @param {string} [createdByUserId=""] - userId
* @param {string[]} [childNodeIdentifierLabels=[]] - array of labels used to uniquely identify the new node
* @param {string[]} [childNodeUniqueIdPropertyNames=[]] - array of propertyNames used to uniquely identify the new node
* @param {object} [createdByRelationshipProperties={}] - properties of relationship for createdBy user
* @param {numeric} [originTimestamp=0]
- invoke #nodeLib.createNodeWithVersionedData
- create identifierLabels using #NodeLib.identifierLabelsFromLabelsAndIdentifierLabels
- create childNodeUniqueIdProperties using #nodeLib.uniqueIdPropertiesFromPropertiesAndPropertyNames
- invoke #relationshipLib.createRelationship to link parent and child nodes
* Getting all child nodes for a parent node, including optionally child node versioned data
* @param {string[]} parentNodeIdentifierLabels - array of labels
* @param {object} parentNodeUniqueIdProperties - node properties
* @param {string[]} relationshipTypes - array of parent>child relationship types to find
* @param {string[]} [versionedDataLabels=[]] - array of versionDataTags to find results for each child node found
* @returns {object[]} - array of child nodes properties and relationship properties
* Change relationship type, does this by removing the old relationship and replacing with a new relationship with the same properties
* @param {string[]} parentNodeIdentifierLabels - array of identified labels
* @param {object} parentNodeUniqueIdProperties - unique properties
* @param {string[]} childNodeIdentifierLabels - array of identified labels
* @param {object} childNodeUniqueIdProperties - unique properties
* @param {string} oldRelationshipType - type of relationship
* @param {string} newRelationshipType - type of relationship
* @param {numeric} originTimestamp - external timestamp for check unique node
* @param {string} [changedByUserId=""] - userId
* @param {object} [changedByRelationshipProperties={}] - properties of changedBy relationship
* Create a new node
* @param {string[]} nodeLabels - array of labels
* @param {object} nodeProperties - node properties
* @param {string} [createdByUserId=""] - userId
* @param {object} [createdByRelationshipProperties={}] - properties of relationship for createdBy user
* @param {string[]} [nodeIdentifierLabels=[]] - array of labels used to uniquely identify the new node
* @param {string[]} [nodeUniqueIdPropertyNames=[]] - array of propertyNames used to uniquely identify the new node
* @returns {string} node object of created node, or null if node already exists
- creates a new node and created by user node/relationship
- nodeIdentifierLabels and nodeUniqueIdPropertyNames are used to check if a matching node with these settings already exist, if it does we update rather than create
- if nodeIdentifierLabels or nodeUniqueIdPropertyNames is not set then the full list of nodeLabels / nodeProperties are considered as unique identifiers (protects against idempotence
- if the node already exists any new labels will be applied, but new properties will not be set
* Create a new node, versioned data, and all associated relationship
* @param {string[]} parentNodeLabels - array of labels
* @param {object} parentNodeProperties - node properties
* @param {string[]} parentNodeIdentifierLabels - array of parent node labels for qeury
* @param {object} parentNodeUniqueIdPropertyNames - properties for query
* @param {string} createdByUserId - userId
* @param {object[]} versionedData - array of versionedData to add
* @param {string[]} versionedData.versionedDataLabel - array of child node/versionData labels for qeury
* @param {object} versionedData.versionedDataProperties - properties for query
* @param {object} [versionedData.createdByRelationshipProperties={}] - properties of relationahip, default is {}
* @param {numeric} originTimestamp - timestamp from external services
* @param {object} [createdByRelationshipProperties={}] - relationship properties, will including from, to and originTimestamp, default is empty object
* returns {object} -
- invoke #nodeLib.createNode to create the parent node
- for each versionedData invoke #nodeLib.createVersionedDataNodeAndRelationships
* Creates a new versioned data node and adds/updates associated relationships
* @param {string} parentNodeIdentifierLabels
* @param {string} parentNodeUniqueIdPropertyNames
* @param {string} createdByUserId
* @param {string} versionedDataLabel //
* @param {object} [versionedDataProperties={}]
* @param {numeric} [originTimestamp=0] - if empty will use current timestamp
* @param {object} [createdByRelationshipProperties={}]
* Makes sure all identifier labels are also added to the node's label array
* @param {string[]} nodeLabels
* @param {string[]} nodeIdentifierLabels
* returns {string[]} - nodeLabels
- makes sure no duplicate labels in array
* Create a createRelationship
* @param {string[]} parentNodeIdentifierLabels - array of identified labels
* @param {object} parentNodeUniqueIdProperties - unique properties
* @param {string[]} childNodeIdentifierLabels - array of identified labels
* @param {object} childNodeUniqueIdProperties - unique properties
* @param {string} relationshipType - type of relationship
* @param {object} [relationshipProperties] - properties of relationship
* Create a new relationship
* @param {string} parentNodeIdentifierLabels - array of identified labels
* @param {string} parentNodeUniqueIdProperties - unique properties
* @param {string} createdByUserId - userId
* @param {object} createdByRelationshipProperties - properties of createBy relationship
- only creates if createdBy relationship does not already exist
* Create a new relationship if the parent node does not already have a relationship of this type
* @param {string[]} parentNodeIdentifierLabels - array of identified labels
* @param {object} parentNodeUniqueIdProperties - unique properties
* @param {string[]} childNodeIdentifierLabels - array of identified labels
* @param {object} childNodeUniqueIdProperties - unique properties
* @param {string} relationshipType - type of relationship
* @param {object} relationshipProperties - properties of relationship
* Create a new relationship
* @param {string[]} parentNodeLabels - array of identified labels
* @param {object} parentNodeProperties - unique properties
* @param {string[]} versionedDataLabel - array of identified labels
* @param {object} versionedDataProperties - unique properties
* @param {string} versionedDataRelationshipType - type of relationship
* @param {numeric} originTimestamp - timestamo fron external services
* @param {object} [versionDataRelationshipProperties={}] - properties of relationship {from, to , originTimestamp}
* Change relationship type, does this by removing the old relationship and replacing with a new relationship with the same properties
* @param {string[]} parentNodeIdentifierLabels - array of identified labels
* @param {object} parentNodeUniqueIdProperties - unique properties
* @param {string[]} childNodeIdentifierLabels - array of identified labels
* @param {object} childNodeUniqueIdProperties - unique properties
* @param {string} oldRelationshipType - type of relationship
* @param {string} newRelationshipType - type of relationship
* @param {numeric} originTimestamp - external timestamp for check unique node
* @param {string} [changedByUserId=""] - userId
* @param {object} [changedByRelationshipProperties={}] - properties of changedBy relationship
- if multiple relationships match, will replace all found
- used for example to switch a relationship between enabled and disabled
- changedBy relationship type comes from NPM module - izara-shared#constants
- changedBy relationship saves properties for oldRelationshipType and newRelationshipType and originTimestamp