2021-02-22 - Service Stack - Catalog - Frontend flows
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List CatalogServiceNames
- CatalogManager/CatalogServiceName/List
- get list using 2020-12-18 - Catalog Manager - Functions#catalogServiceName/ListServiceNameTags
- get serviceName translation for each using 2021-02-16 - Translations - Functions#Translation/Get (hardcode a list of languages for now) (see Service - Translations#System text translations
- each catalogServiceNameTag has a link to create new catalog, links to Catalog/Create page for that catalogServiceNameTag
List Catalogs
- CatalogManager/Catalog/List
- receives catalogName filter (optional)
- textfield for catalogName filter
- get list of catalogs using 2020-12-18 - Catalog Manager - Functions#Catalog/List
- get catalogName for each using 2021-02-16 - Translations - Functions#Translation/Get (hardcode a list of languages for now)
- each catalog has a link to catalog's detail page for it's catalogServiceNameTag >> CatalogStandard/Catalog/Get
List Categories
- CatalogManager/Category/List
- receives categoryName filter (optional)
- textfield for categoryName filter
- get list of categories using 2020-12-18 - Catalog Manager - Functions#Category/List
- get categoryName for each using 2021-02-16 - Translations - Functions#Translation/Get (hardcode a list of languages for now)
- each category has a link to categories detail page for it's categoryServiceNameTag >> CategoryStandard/Category/Get
List CategoryNodes that link to a CategoryId
- from CategoryStandard/Category/Get
- CategoryTreeStandard/CategoryNode/ListByCategoryId
- receives categoryId (required)
- receives categoryName (optional) if received display (not need to request from backend)
- (maybe not needed) get category using 2021-02-15 - Category Standard - Functions#Category/Get
- get list of categoryNodes that link to this category using NPM module - izara-shared#graphSharedLib.getVertexInEdgesAndVerticesByVertexTagAndVertexUniqueId
View Catalog
- from CatalogManager/Catalog/List
- CatalogStandard/Catalog/Get (or Detail?)
- get catalog using 2021-03-03 - Catalog Standard- Functions#Catalog/Get
- get catalogName using 2021-02-16 - Translations - Functions#Translation/Get (hardcode a list of languages for now)
- has link to view categoryTree >> CategoryTreeStandard/CategoryNode/Get
- has link to translate catalogName >> 2021-03-03 - Service Stack - Translations - Frontend flows#List Translations
View Category
- from CatalogManager/Category/List
- CategoryStandard/Category/Get (or Detail/View?)
- get category using 2021-02-15 - Category Standard - Functions#Category/Get
- get categoryName using 2021-02-16 - Translations - Functions#Translation/Get (hardcode a list of languages for now)
- has link to view categoryNodes that link to this category >> CategoryTreeStandard/CategoryNode/ListByCategoryId
- has link to translate categoryName >> 2021-03-03 - Service Stack - Translations - Frontend flows#List Translations
View CategoryNode
- from CatalogStandard/Catalog/Get (for catalogs that set CategoryTreeStandard as it's categoryTreeServiceNameTag)
- CategoryTreeStandard/CategoryNode/Get
- shows the details, parent, and children of a categoryNode
- receives catalogId or categoryNodeId, and type (required)
- receives catalogName and/or categoryName, (optional) if received display these and not need to request from backend
- get categoryNode using NPM module - izara-shared#graphSharedLib.getVertexByVertexTagAndVertexUniqueId
- get categoryNodeSettings using NPM module - izara-shared#graphSharedLib.getCurrentVersionedDataByVertexTagAndVertexUniqueId
- get catalogName using 2021-02-16 - Translations - Functions#Translation/Get (hardcode a list of languages for now)
- if is viewing a categoryNode (not catalog)
- get category using NPM module - izara-shared#graphSharedLib.getVertexByVertexTagAndVertexUniqueId
- get categoryName using 2021-02-16 - Translations - Functions#Translation/Get (hardcode a list of languages for now)
- get parentCategoryNodeId using NPM module - izara-shared#graphSharedLib.getVertexInEdgesAndVerticesByVertexTagAndVertexUniqueId
- get parentCategoryName using 2021-02-16 - Translations - Functions#Translation/Get (hardcode a list of languages for now) (type might be catalog or categoryNode)
- get childCategoryNodes using NPM module - izara-shared#graphSharedLib.getVertexOutEdgesAndVerticesByVertexTagAndVertexUniqueId
- for each childCategoryNodes
- get categoryName using 2021-02-16 - Translations - Functions#Translation/Get (hardcode a list of languages for now)
- if is viewing a categoryNode (not catalog)
- has a link to enable/disable
- has a link to update settings >> CategoryTreeStandard/CategoryNode/UpdateSettings
- has a link to browse >> CatalogManager/Catalog/Browse
- has a link to add a child categoryNode to the currently viewed categoryNode >> CategoryTreeStandard/CategoryNode/Create
Create new Catalog
- from CatalogManager/CatalogServiceName/List
- CatalogStandard/Catalog/Create
- get categoryTreeServiceNames list using 2020-12-18 - Catalog Manager - Functions#categoryTreeServiceName/ListServiceNameTags
- get serviceName translation for each categoryTreeServiceNames using 2021-02-16 - Translations - Functions#Translation/Get (hardcode a list of languages for now) (see Service - Translations#System text translations
- get searchType list using NPM module - izara-market-shared#CatalogStandardLib.searchTypes
- select for categoryTreeServiceNames (for now only one option)
- select for searchType
- textbox for filter
- textbox for requiredData
- textfield for catalogName
- textfield for defaultBrowseQuantity
- textfield for languageCode
- submit page invokes 2021-03-03 - Catalog Standard- Functions#Catalog/Create
- display confirmation that catalog is being created, offer a link to catalog list
Create new CategoryNode
- from CategoryTreeStandard/CategoryNode/Get
- CategoryTreeStandard/CategoryNode/Create
- receives catalogId or parentCategoryNodeId, and type (required)
- receives catalogName and/or categoryName, (optional) if received display these (not need to request from backend)
- get searchType list using NPM module - izara-market-shared#CatalogStandardLib.searchTypes
- textfield for categoryId
- select for searchType
- checkbox for searchTypeMatchParent
- textbox for filter
- select for filterMatchParent - none|match|append
- textbox for requiredData
- select for requiredDataMatchParent - none|match|append
- submit page invokes 2020-12-19 - Category Tree Standard - Functions#CategoryNode/Create
- display confirmation that catalogNode is being created, offer a link to CategoryTreeStandard/CategoryNode/Get for parentCategoryNodeId
Create new Category
- CategoryStandard/Category/Create
- textfield for categoryName
- textfield for languageCode
- submit page invokes 2021-02-15 - Category Standard - Functions#Category/Create
- display confirmation that category is being created, offer a link to CatalogManager/Category/List
Update Catalog Settings
- from CatalogStandard/Catalog/Get
- CatalogStandard/Catalog/Update
- get catalog using 2021-03-03 - Catalog Standard- Functions#Catalog/Get
- if catalog not found: error
- get categoryTreeServiceNames list using 2020-12-18 - Catalog Manager - Functions#categoryTreeServiceName/ListServiceNameTags
- get serviceName translation for each categoryTreeServiceNames using 2021-02-16 - Translations - Functions#Translation/Get (hardcode a list of languages for now) (see Service - Translations#System text translations
- get searchType list using NPM module - izara-market-shared#CatalogStandardLib.searchTypes
- select for categoryTreeServiceNames (for now only one option)
- select for searchType
- textbox for filter
- textbox for requiredData
- textfield for defaultBrowseQuantity
- submit page invokes 2021-03-03 - Catalog Standard- Functions#Catalog/UpdateSettings
- display confirmation that catalog is being created, offer a link to catalog list
Update CategoryNode Settings
- from CategoryTreeStandard/CategoryNode/Get
- CategoryTreeStandard/CategoryNode/UpdateSettings
- receives categoryNodeId
- receives categoryName, (optional) if received display these and not need to request from backend
- get categoryNode using NPM module - izara-shared#graphSharedLib.getVertexByVertexTagAndVertexUniqueId
- get categoryNodeSettings using NPM module - izara-shared#graphSharedLib.getCurrentVersionedDataByVertexTagAndVertexUniqueId
- if categoryNode not found: error
- select for searchType
- checkbox for searchTypeMatchParent
- textbox for filter
- select for filterMatchParent - none|match|append
- textbox for requiredData
- select for requiredDataMatchParent - none|match|append
- submit page invokes 2020-12-19 - Category Tree Standard - Functions#CategoryNode/UpdateSettings
- display confirmation that catalogNode is being updated, offer a link to CategoryTreeStandard/CategoryNode/Get for categoryNodeId
Enable/Disable CategoryNode
- from CategoryTreeStandard/CategoryNode/Get
- click link invokes 2020-12-19 - Category Tree Standard - Functions#CategoryNode/EnableDisable
- display confirmation that change is being processed, can return to CategoryTreeStandard/CategoryNode/Get
Browse Catalog
- from CategoryTreeStandard/CategoryNode/Get
- CatalogManager/Catalog/Browse
- receives catalogId (optional)
- receives categoryNodeId (optional)
- get searchType list using NPM module - izara-market-shared#CatalogStandardLib.searchTypes
- textfield for catalogId (propagate if received)
- textfield for categoryNodeId (propagate if received)
- textbox for additionalParams
- select for searchType
- textbox for filter
- textbox for requiredData
- submit invokes 2020-12-18 - Catalog Manager - Functions#Catalog/Browse
- will receive an id/hash for polling the response from searchResult/SortResult services
- display id/hash