2021-07-04 Service Stack - Products - Frontend flows

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Service Stack - Products

Get Product


  1. receives productId (required)
  2. ..? probably list (some?) product attributes
  3. ..? probably list (some?) sell offers
  4. field to add a product attribute
    1. invokes ProductStandard/AddProductAttHdrApi
  5. link to search/create product attributes
  6. link to create new sell offer

Create Product


  1. invokes ProductStandard/ProductCreateHdrApi
  2. displays returned uuid
  3. link to ProductStandard/Product/Get

Get Sell Offer


  1. receives sellofferId (required)
  2. invokes ProductStandard/ProductGetHdrApi to show details about parent Product (in future will need to know productHandlerServiceNameTag)
  3. ..? probably list (some?) sell offer terms
  4. list ... (payment methods/ship services..?)
  5. field to add a sell offer term
    1. invokes SellOfferStandard/AddSellOfferTermHdrApi
  6. link to search/create sell offer terms
  7. links/fields to add (payment methods/ship services..?)

Create Sell Offer


  1. receives productId (required)
  2. invokes SellOfferStandard/SellOfferCreateHdrApi
  3. displays returned uuid
  4. link to SellOfferStandard/SellOffer/Get page
  5. link to ProductStandard/Product/Get (in future will need to know productHandlerServiceNameTag)

Get Variant


  1. receives variantId (required)
  2. invokes VariantStandard/ChildProductsGetHdrApi
  3. list child products
  4. field to add a product
    1. invokes VariantStandard/AddProductHdrApi

Create Variant


  1. invokes VariantStandard/VariantCreateHdrApi
  2. displays returned uuid
  3. link to VariantStandard/Variant/Get