2025-02-16 - Supply Chain Transform Units examples

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Calculate cost of outputUnit from many inputUnits

	properties: {
		inputUnits: [
				unitTypeId: "fabric",
				numberOfUnits: 1,
					unitTypeTrackedPropertyId(remainingYards): {
						integerOnly: false,
						quantityReductionSetting: "clearPerUnit",
						valueUsePerOutputUnit: 5.7
				unitTypeId: "bagOfButtons",
				numberOfUnits: 2,
					unitTypeTrackedPropertyId(remainingButtons): {
						integerOnly: true,
						quantityReductionSetting: "clearPerUnit",
						valueUsePerOutputUnit: 4
		outputUnits: [
				unitTypeId: "shirt",
				numberOfUnits: 2,
				calculatedProperties: {
					unitTypeTrackedPropertyId(shirtCost): {
						calculationType: "calculateValue",
						integerOnly: false,
						combinationEquation: "[yardCost]+[buttonCost]+[stitchCost]", // not needed as default is to sum all calculateByProperties
						calculateByProperties: {
							yardCost: {
								calculation: "[valueUsePerOutputUnit:{inputUnitTypeId(fabric)}:{unitTypeTrackedPropertyId(remainingYards)}]*[unitTypeTrackedProperty:{inputUnitTypeId(fabric)}:{unitTypeTrackedPropertyId(costPerYard)}]",
							buttonCost: {
								calculation: "[valueUsePerOutputUnit:{inputUnitTypeId(bagOfButtons)}:{unitTypeTrackedPropertyId(remainingButtons)}]*([unitTypeTrackedProperty:{inputUnitTypeId(fabric)}:{unitTypeTrackedPropertyId(costPerBag)}]/5)",
								round: "round",
							stitchCost: {
								defaultValue: "30",
  • fabric has costPerYard property
  • bagOfButtons has costPerBag property
  • each bagOfButtons has 5 buttons in it, so divide costPerBag/5 to get per button cost

With default settings above example:

  • initial state: fabric has 100 remainingYards, costPerYard = 3
  • initial state: 2 bagOfButtons, each has 5 remainingButtons, costPerBag = 30
  • reduce fabric remainingYards by 11.4 (1 unit of fabric must have enough yard remaining, but additional units could be added to make up needed yardage)
  • reduce bagOfButtons 1 unit to 0 remainingButtons, and another to 2 remainingButtons (if bagOfButtons.inactiveIfZero is true 0 remainingButtons will be set to inactive)
  • if bagOfButtons quantityReductionSetting was set to "spread", each bagOfButtons would have 1 remainingButtons
  • create 2 shirts
  • each shirt valueUsePerOutputUnit for fabric.remainingYards will be 5.7 and bagOfButtons.remainingButtons will be 4
  • yardCost = 5.7*3 = 17.1
  • buttonCost = 4*(20/5) = 24
  • shirtCost = 17.1+24+30 = 71.1