Standard WebSocketTask Per Service

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If client begins a task on the backend and awaits that tasks completion we open a websocket connection so client can be notified when task is complete.

DynamoDB structure


  • all websocket tasks for one service can record the awaiting connection in a single table
  • all connections awaiting a specific task to complete will share the same partition key
  • sortKey is a list of all websocket connectionIds waiting this specific task, so can query by partition key to get all awaiting connections


(partition key)
taskTag: string that describes the task, eg: "processSortRequest"
taskId: uniqueId of the task being performed, eg: sortResultId
(sort key)

HdrWbs handlers

  • request from the client to initiate the task uses a websocket (Wbs) handler to invoke the core function
  • HdrWbs receives websocket routes connect, disconnect, and message
  • connect: starts the connection, no logic required
  • message: receives the request params to start the task, saves record into WebSocketTask table
  • disconnect: client has the option of sending a disconnect message, this will remove the connection record from WebSocketTask table, so no need to process once complete